Angular 2 interview questions Answers
Today, We want to share with you Angular 2 interview questions Answers.
In this post we will show you Angular.js 2 interview questions and Answers PDF, hear for Top 10 Angular 2 Interview Questions and Answers we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about Angular 2, 4,5 and 6 interview questions with an example.
Below All AngularJS Interview Questions are the list of Top 10 Main Angular 2 interview questions And Answers.
Top 10 Advanced AngularJS Interview Questions Answers
Q1. What is Angular 2?
Simple Defination of the Angular 2 is a fully completely revived All the Data Bind component-based typescript framework in which web or spa’s an application is a more tree of pure js loosely coupled some data binds components.
Q2. List some advantages of Angular?
Angular 2 is a re-written version of Angular1 and not an update.
- Angular 2 is a user-friendly mobile-oriented framework
- Angular 2 is a simple JavaScript;s versatile framework,
- Angular 2 code use Latest version Like ES5, ES6, Typescript
Q3. What are the new features of Angular 2?
- A mobile toolkit
- A command line interface
- Data binding
- Modular
- Modern
- Universal server rendering
Q4. How to declare a component in Angular 2?
Angular 2 Components in Pure AngularJS are simply some onpage directives that are often associated with a HTML view direct template.
Q5 : How to Declaration of component in Angular 2?
@component ({selector: 'great', template: 'paka {{name}}!'}) Class greet{ Name: string = 'pakainfo'; }
Q5. List the modern browsers supported by Angular 2.
- Android 4.1
- Edge
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- IE Mobile
- IE for versions 9-11
- Safari
- iOS 7.1
Q6.component life cycle in Angular 2?
There are a Angular 2 total number of life cycle some hooks which are all the List below: –
- ngOnChanges
- ngOnInit
- ngDoCheck
- ngAfterContentInit
- ngAfterContentChecked
- ngAfterViewInit
- ngAfterViewChecked
- ngOnDestroy
Q7.key components of Angular 2?
Angular 2 comprises of the below key components:
- Component
- Metadata
- Module
- Service
- Templates
Q8 : What is a template in Angular 2?
The HTML view template in Angular 2 is used to define the views of the AngularJS spa’s Application.
Q8.How convert a string into a percentage in angular 2?
Angular 2 To convert any string into a type of the percentage format, as well as a percent data bind filter is used.
Q9. Explain component specific hooks?
- ngafterContentinit
- ngAfterviewChecked
- ngAfterConctentChecked
- ngafterViewinit
Q10. What is CLI?
CLI stands for the acronym of Command Line Interface
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