Type IFSC code to Know Branch Details of any Bank Find IFSC, MICR Codes, Address, All Bank Branches, for NEFT, RTGS, ECS Transactions.
== Description ==
Find Branch Details/Address/MICR Code By IFSC Code.
Use [ifsc_shortcode] shortcode for IFSC Code
Type IFSC code to Know Branch Details of any Bank Find IFSC, MICR Codes, Address, All Bank Branches, for NEFT, RTGS, ECS Transactions.
== Tips to search by IFSC Codes ==
1. IFSC code is 11 characters in size.
2. IFSC code is Alphanumeric and contains a combination of alphabets and numbers.
3. First 4 characters are alphabetic characters representing the bank name. A list is given below for reference.
4. 5th character is 0 (zero) and reserved for future use.
5. Last 6 characters are usually numbers but can also be alphabets. These represent a branch of the bank.
= Get the branch details of a Bank from IFSC Code =
Want to check which bank does a IFSC code belong to? Use this Search by IFSC code feature to double check the IFSC code before making a NEFT or RTGS transfer to a bank account.
= How to Identify IFSC Code of a Bank? =
Presented below is a list of IFSC Codes starting 4 characters of each bank-
[+] All Bank IFSC code [Click Here](https://www.pakainfo.com/ifsc/)
== Installation ==
1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
3. Go to “Plugins” > “IFSC Code” click to Docs.
4. Setup the plugin as per your requirement.
= Some of the Features: =
Get unlimited Find Branch Details/Address/MICR Code By IFSC Code.
Place them any location as per your requirement (pages, post or many more).
Conditionally display Find Branch Details/Address/MICR Code By IFSC Code. on specific posts, pages, taxonomies or custom post types
Display Find Branch Details/Address/MICR Code based on IFSC Code.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= What is IFSC code example? =
IFSC codes are 11 characters, comprised like this: XXXX0YYYYYY. The first four (XXXX) are alphabetic characters that represent the bank. The zero (0) is reserved for future use. The last six digits (YYYYYY) are a code of numbers representing the individual branch of the bank.
= Does this plugin work with Post/Pages/Articles plugin? =
Yes, Please contact for [Support] (https://www.pakainfo.com/contact-us/)
= Which themes does this work with? =
This plugin works with all well coded themes that have Display Find Branch Details/Address/MICR Code based on IFSC Code. locations defined.
= Can I have it on a different form plugin? =
Yes, please contact for [Support] (https://www.pakainfo.com/contact-us/)