Connecting to MySQL from the command line steps
Welcome to the In website! You will Step By Step learn web programming, easy and very fun. This website allmost provides you with a complete web programming tutorial presented in an easy-to-follow manner. Each web programming tutorial has all the practical examples with web programming script and screenshots available.Connecting to MySQL from the command line steps
How to connect to Mysql database through windows command line Steps
- The Open level simple the MySQL database command line throgh import
- Type the path evert of your import mysql database bin directory or every folder and press and every Enter key
- simple Paste your SQL throgh command file or path inside a database_name the bin simple folder of every mysql server.
- Create a simple your database steps in MySQL command.
- Use that simple way to every particular database name to where you your database want to import syntax to command the SQL file.
- Type source new your databasefilename.sql each data in your directory name and simple press Enter
- Your latest file database SQL file live data upload message in php to mysql command prompt successfully.
Syntax of The Connecting to MySQL from the command line steps
mysql -u username -p password database_name < your database location path
Other demo very simple example :Using Options on the Command Line - MySQL
mysql > Use your_database_name; mysql> source C:\Users\yourdatabase.sql(your database simple location path want to import);
Simple Example Of mysql Import and Export a mysql using database on the command line
mysqldump yourdatabasename > yourdatabase_exportname.sql mysql yourdatabasename < yourdatabase_exportname.sql mysqldump --all-databases > all_databases_export.sql mysql --one only -database yourdatabasename < all_databases_export.sql
How to Import and Export Databases
MySQL is a powerful all the simple database management system used for any command line arguments organizing and retrieving data.(The MySQL Command-Line Tool) This tutorial level and simple explains how to import and export database MySQL databases and low level and how to reset a root MySQL password
Export : Syntax
mysqldump -u [username] -p [yourdatabase name] > [yourdatabase name].sql
simple database Import : Syntax : using command
mysql > Use your_database_name; mysql> source C:\Users\yourdatabase.sql(your database location path want to import);
How to Reset all the a Root Password Step By Step
Step : 1 — Shut Down MySQL
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
Step 2 : —here example of the Access MySQL Safe Mode
sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & mysql -u root mysqlStep 3: —How to Set Up a New Password
update user set password=PASSWORD("your New PASSWORD") where User='root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; CREATE DATABASE yournewdatabase; mysql -u [username] -p yournewdatabase < [yourdatabase name].sql