This is a tiny Python full script to count total the number of get lines in a text formated file. To execute this Python script you need have Python installed on your computer system. And then save or update below copy paste script in a Python script simple (eg: with update your file gettotallines.txt with your new filename in the script to which you need to total count lines.You can aslo read my prev Article for Get Current Date & Time.
Question & Answer : how to get number of lines in .txt file python? and write a python program to compute the number of characters, words and lines in a file.
Count number of lines in a text file in Python
File Handling in Python. Counting the number of lines and characters is very important.
$ vim
fname = "gettotallines.txt" count = 0 with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in f: count += 1 print("python number of lines in file Total number of lines is:", count)
after that you can run or execute the simple script on the command line means Your Computer system Terminal with display the result. This will display you the total number of lines get and text file available in a below results.
python3 python number of lines in file Total number of lines is: 11692
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I hope you get an idea about how to get number of lines in .txt file python?.
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