Editing .docx files and update docx files using PHP
In this Post We Will Explain About is Editing .docx files and update docx files using PHP With Example and Demo.Welcome on Pakainfo.com – Examples, The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to Editing .docx files through PHP Example
In this post we will show you Best way to implement Edit .doc or .docx file using php, hear for how to search text in DOCX file and replace it in php with Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.
update docx file using php
Hear we will Display you how to Edit as well as .doc or .docx file using simple example of the php. Hear we use “student_full_name”, “student_email_address”, “date_today”, “student_website”, “student_mobile_number” in .doc or .docx files and Edit a simple Microsoft Word .docx some file using PHP and the zip file extension.
$custom_templateName = 'template.docx'; $sNrandNo = rand(111111, 999999); $fileName = "results_" . $sNrandNo . ".docx"; $main_dir = "results_"; $basefull_path = $main_dir . '/' . $fileName; try { if (!file_exists($main_dir)) { mkdir($main_dir); } //Copy the data Template value file to the Result Directory copy($custom_templateName, $basefull_path); // add new calss Zip Archive $myLiveZip_data = new ZipArchive; //Docx simple file is nothing but a created zip file. and then Open this Zip File if($myLiveZip_data->open($basefull_path) == true) { // In the simple Open XML Wordprocessing data value format content is stored. // In the main document.xml simple file located in the data word main_dir. $key_file_name = 'word/document.xml'; $dataMsg = $myLiveZip_data->getFromName($key_file_name); $timestamp = date('d-M-Y H:i:s'); // this data Replace the placeholders with actual values $dataMsg = str_replace("student_full_name", "live24u com", $dataMsg); $dataMsg = str_replace("student_email_address", "[email protected]", $dataMsg); $dataMsg = str_replace("date_today", $timestamp, $dataMsg); $dataMsg = str_replace("student_website", "www.Pakainfo.com", $dataMsg); $dataMsg = str_replace("student_mobile_number", "+1999999999", $dataMsg); //Replace the student data content with the new create content created above. $myLiveZip_data->addFromString($key_file_name, $dataMsg); $myLiveZip_data->close(); } } catch (Exception $exc) { $error_message = "Simple Error making the Word Document"; var_dump($exc); }
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