Today, We want to share with you encapsulation in php.In this post we will show you polymorphism in php, hear for data abstraction and encapsulation in php we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about Concept of Encapsulation in PHP OOP Example with an example.
php encapsulation best practices
In this tutorial we learn to all about encapsulation in php Examples like as a Program Explanation, encapsulation and polymorphism, data abstraction or many more.
Explain Encapsulation in PHP
Let’ understand this through an example.
CheckAuthReport(9*******9,1**3); ?>
PHP encapsulation Program Explanation:
In this PHP example, all the PROJECT class data members (variable) are marked with the private modifier. It implies that i can not straight access PROJECT class data members (property). So, i can’t update the class property straight. The only approach to update the class property (data members) is calling a function (function). That’s the issue i have stated all the PROJECT class methods with a public access modifier. The client can pass the expected arguments to a class function to execute a each task.
Suppose anyone wants to check balance then he reqireds to access the CheckAuthReport() function with the required arguments memberid=”9*******9″andmobilecode=”9**8″. This is called Data hiding through Encapsulation.
Program to Access Variables
profilenm; } public function setFirstName($profilenm) { $this->profilenm = $profilenm; echo("First name is set to ".$profilenm); echo("
"); } public function getMemberType() { return $this->membertype; } public function setMemberType($membertype) { if ('Male' !== $membertype and 'Female' !== $membertype) { echo('Set membertype as Male or Female for membertype'); } $this->membertype = $membertype; echo("MemberType is set to ".$membertype); echo("
"); } } $member = new Member(); $member->setFirstName('Jalpa'); $member->setMemberType('Female'); ?>
PHP program for encapsulation
"; } public function courseName($memberId) { echo("Function to check course name of member " . $memberId); echo "
"; } } $obj = new PAKA(); $obj -> updatePwd('PAKA12', 'pakainfos54321'); $obj -> courseName('PAKA06'); ?>
What is encapsulation with simple example in php?
_member == null ) { $this->_member = new Member(); } return $this->_member; } } class Member { private $_name; public function __construct() { $this->_name = "Parag Shukla Dr.."; } public function GetName() { return $this->_name; } } $app = new App(); echo $app->Member()->GetName(); ?>
Example 1
name=$n; $this->salary=$a; } public function setSalary($salary) { $this->salary=$salary; } public function display() { echo "welcome ".$this->name."
"; return $this->salary-$this->salary; } } $member=new member("sejal",32); $member->setSalary(18500); echo "You are ".$member->display()." years old"; ?>
I hope you get an idea about encapsulation in php.
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