Export data mysql table to csv file using PHP
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How to Import and Export CSV Files Using PHP and MySQL
// download invoice csv sheet if ($action == 'download_csv'){ header("Content-type: text/csv"); // any output any to connection error display if ($mysqli->connect_error) { die('Error : ('.$mysqli->connect_errno .') '. $mysqli->connect_error); } $fname = 'invoice-data-'.date('d-m-Y').'.csv'; // simple file name $fileuserpath = 'downloads/'.$fname; // here file path put $file = fopen($fileuserpath, "w"); // php file handling to open a file in write mode chmod($fileuserpath, 0777); //php file handling to set the file permission $query_table_columns = "SELECT * FROM products i JOIN users c ON c.productname = i.productname WHERE i.productname = c.productname ORDER BY i.productname"; if ($result_column = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query_table_columns)) { // fetch the table fields data in mysql while ($column_data = $result_column->fetch_row()) { $collumdata = array(); foreach($column_data as $data) { $collumdata[] = $data; } // her Format array like as CSV data and write to all file pointer fputcsv($file, $collumdata, ",", '"'); } } }
$result_data = mysqli_query($con, 'SELECT * FROM productmst'); $row_data = mysqli_fetch_array($result_data, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $fipeopen = fopen('myfile.csv', 'w'); foreach ($row_data as $val) { fputcsv($fipeopen, $val); } fclose($fipeopen);