get month name from month number in php Method 1: Using mktime() function & month name by number php. also This example is focused on how to get month name from date in php.
get month name from month number in php
Convert number to month name in PHP
$mn = 3; $res = DateTime::createFromFormat('!m', $mn); $monthName = $res->format('F'); // March
How to convert number to month name in PHP?
Write a PHP script to change month number to month name.
you can easy & simply convert number to month name in php source code for get month name from month number in php.
How to Get Month Name from Date in PHP?
PHP Get Full Month Name from Date
PHP Get Full Month Name from Current Date
get month name from month number in php
PHP Get Short Month Name from Date
PHP Get Short Month Name from Current Date
PHP Get Month Name from Number
get month name from month number in php
Ref :
Convert number to month name in PHP
To convert a number to a month name in PHP, you can use the date() function along with the mktime() function to create a timestamp based on the number. Here's an example:
$monthNumber = 3; $monthName = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthNumber, 1)); echo $monthName;In the example above, we have a variable $monthNumber with a value of 3, which represents March. We use the mktime() function to create a timestamp with the month number set to 3 and the other values set to 0. We then use the date() function to format the timestamp and retrieve the month name in the full-text format (e.g. "March"). Finally, we output the month name using the echo statement.
You can modify the value of $monthNumber to any integer between 1 and 12 to retrieve the corresponding month name. If you want to retrieve the month name in a different format, you can change the format string passed to the date() function. You can refer to the PHP manual for more information on the available format options.
I hope you get an idea about get month name from month number in php.
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