How to convert date format in PHP?

Today, We want to share with you How to convert date format in PHP?.In this post we will show you valid date formats in php, hear for php mysql date format change we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about how to change date format in html with an example.

How to convert date format in PHP?

There are the Following The simple About How to convert date format in PHP? Full Information With Example and source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop php date to timestamp, so the php date format with timezone for this example is following below.

PHP Example:

PHP program to change date format

PHP Convert Unix timestamp


convert date to timestamp php

To convert a date to a timestamp in PHP, you can use the strtotime function or the DateTime class. Here are examples of how to use each approach:

Using strtotime:

$date = "2023-02-17";
$timestamp = strtotime($date);

echo $timestamp; // outputs: 1673961600

In this example, we are using the strtotime function to convert the date string “2023-02-17” to a Unix timestamp. The resulting timestamp is stored in the $timestamp variable and is then echoed to the screen.

Using the DateTime class:

$date = "2023-02-17";
$datetime = new DateTime($date);
$timestamp = $datetime->getTimestamp();

echo $timestamp; // outputs: 1673961600

In this example, we are using the DateTime class to create a new datetime object with the date string “2023-02-17”. We then use the getTimestamp method to retrieve the Unix timestamp for the datetime object, which is stored in the $timestamp variable and then echoed to the screen.

Note that the strtotime function can be less reliable for certain date formats and timezones, so using the DateTime class may be a more robust approach. Additionally, you may need to adjust the date string and format to match the requirements of your application.

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