Today, We want to share with you whoops, looks like something went wrong..In this post we will show you whoops, looks like something went wrong snipe-it, hear for laravel 000webhost, invoice ninja website, warzone and tradução we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about Laravel Redirect Tutorial Example From Scratch with an example.
Laravel Whoops, looks like something went wrong
I installed Laravel 5.0 properly by cloning in git, and composer install, when I ran it to browser http://localhost/laravel/public/, it says
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
I did not make any changes after composer install.
After copying the env.example to .env this is result
RuntimeException in compiled.php line 5599: OpenSSL extension is required.
RuntimeException in compiled.php line 5599: OpenSSL extension is required.
The logs are located in storage directory. If you want laravel to display the error for you rather than the cryptic ‘Whoops’ message, copy the .env.example to .env and make sure APP_ENV=local is in there. It should then show you the detailed error messaging.
Best Solution
This is happening because there is a field in .env file named, APP_KEY, which is blank now, i need some random key for this variable.
Follow these main 2 steps to get ready of this problem.
Open .env File
you can simply convert .env.example to .env
.env.example to .env
Go to your root directory in your command prompt (If you are using windows)/terminal (If you are using MAC or LINUX) where you have installed laravel project/files and run following command
php artisan key:generate
and then run your project. It’s all done.
I hope you get an idea about Laravel Error Solutions.
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