how to send multiple values using ajax in javascript?

how to send multiple values using ajax in javascript? – Data can be sent through JSON or via normal POST. We are sending an ajax request to a php server side file as shown here:

how to send multiple values using ajax in javascript?

The simple Example is:

data: {is_active: true, product: name},

how to send multiple data with $.ajax() jquery?

You can make an object of key/value pairs as well as jQuery will do the rest for you:

    data : { is_active : 'bar', status : 'is_active' },

Send multiple data with ajax in PHP

Data can be sent through JSON or via normal POST. Following is an example showing data sent through JSON −

var is_active = 1;
var status = 2;
var product = 3;
   type: "POST",
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
   url: "your_url_goes_here",
   data: { data_1: is_active, data_2: status, data_3: product },
   success: function (result) {
      // perform operations here

With normal post, the below code can be used −

   type: "POST",
   url: $('form').attr("action"),
   data: $('#form0').serialize(),
   success: function (result) {
      // perform operations here

An alternate to the above code has been demonstrated below −

data:'id='+ID & 'member_code=' + MEMBERCODE,
data: {id:ID, member_code:MEMBERCODE}
so your code will look like this :
      var ID = 10;
      var MEMBERCODE =1;
         data: {id:ID, member_code:MEMBERCODE},

send multiple data using ajax

here simple Example, you will learn to ajax send multiple data to php


	url: "/pakainfo_api",
    type: "GET",
    data: {p1: "value1", p2: "value2"}, // multiple data we want to send
    success: function(data){ 
    console.log("An error has occurred.");

Don’t Miss : How To Multiple Urls In One Ajax Call?

Example : 1 how to send multiple array in ajax?

	url: "/pakainfo_api",
    type: "GET",
    data: {p1: ["v1", "v2"], p2: ["v1", "v2"]}, // multiple array we want to send
    success: function(data){ 
    console.log("An error has occurred.");

We hope it can help you…

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