http_build_query – Generate URL-encoded query string Best Examples [PHP Version (5.0 to 7.4)]

http_build_query() function is an inbuilt function in PHP. Also It is used to generate dynamic URL-encoded query string from the main associative (or indexed) array in PHP.

php Generates a URL-encoded query string from the useful data with associative (or indexed) array provided.


http_build_query syntax Description, Parameters, Return Values and Examples


string http_build_query ( mixed $query_data [, string $numeric_prefix [, string $arg_separator [, int $enc_type = PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 ]]] )

Here you can Learn to Generate URL-encoded query string Description, Parameters, Return Values and Examples.

Return Values:

It is a Data Returns a URL-encoded string.

php http_build_query Examples


Example #1 Simple usage

              'php'=>'programming language');

echo http_build_query($content) . "\n";
echo http_build_query($content, '', '&');


The above example will results:


Example #2 numerically index elements.

 'infinity', 'php' =>'programming language');

echo http_build_query($content) . "\n";
echo http_build_query($content, 'myvar_');

The above example will results:


Example #3 complex arrays

array('name'=>'Modi saha',
              'hobby'=>array('play', 'dance', 'cricket', 'dev'),

echo http_build_query($content, 'temps_');

this will results : (word wrapped for readability)



Only the support numerically indexed data element in the base array “HOD” received a prefix. as well as The other numeric indices, search under hobby, do not need a data content string prefix to be legal way to applay variable names.

Example #4 Using an object

pub_xname  = new submasterClass();
        $this->prot_xname = new submasterClass();
        $this->priv_xname = new submasterClass();

class submasterClass {
    public    $pub  = 'publicsubmaster';
    protected $prot = 'protectedsubmaster';
    private   $priv = 'privatesubmaster';

$master = new masterClass();

echo http_build_query($master);

The above example will results:


how to use http build query?

Answer:Build GET/POST Query based on associated array.

how to pass parameter in url in php?

here simply Pass simple array Example

how to pass value through url in php
how to pass value through url in php

 45, 'search' => 'authorization');
$qs = http_build_query($vars);
$url = '' . $qs;
echo $url;

The above code returns this url query string –

how to pass value through url in php?

here Passing variables with data between pages using URL
In your app.php your echo statement must be like this:

echo 'Cpntact 2';

Passing data outside

Link to another site

Difference between GET and POST

Difference between GET and POST
Difference between GET and POST

I hope you get an idea about Generate URL-encoded query string.
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