ICT Full Form (आईसीटी का फुल फॉर्म) – What Is The Full Form Of ICT?

ict Full Form : Do you have a question, what is the full form of ICT, ICT Full Form, what is the full name of ICT, full form of ICT, if there is any of these, then you have been given complete information about it in this article. Also, in this article, what is ICT, what is the meaning of ICT? This information is also given.

ict Full Form – What is the full form of ICT?

The full form of ICT is Information and Communications Technology.

Information and communication technology or information and communication technology, commonly referred to as ICT.

In this digital world, the technology used for both information and communication, all of them come under ICT.

ict Full Form
ict Full Form

According to TechTerms, ICT includes all those technologies that help in accessing information, such as telecommunication technology.

Almost this is only Information Technology, but ICT mainly includes Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.

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The term is generally accepted to refer to all devices, networking components, applications and systems that allow people and organizations (i.e. businesses, non-profit agencies, governments and criminal enterprises) to jointly live in the digital world.

What is the full form of ICT?

By the way, the full name of ICT is Information and Communications Technology. This is the full form related to IT i.e. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.


  • ICT – Influence Coefficient Tests
  • ICT – Information and Communication Technologie
  • ICT – Information and Communications Technology
  • ICT – Information and Computer Technology
  • ICT – Interface Control Tooling
  • ICT – Intermittent cervical traction

Definition of ICT

Due to ICT, this article is reaching you today. Wherever you are today, any type of information is reaching your mobile, with anyone you are conversing with (call, video call, email, messaging app-facebook, Whatsapp). All this is possible only through ICT.

Information and Technology (ICT) can also be understood in this way, it is a way where all the uses of digital technology have been considered. that exist to help individuals, businesses and organizations use information properly.

ICT covers any product that stores, retrieves, manipulates, transmits, receives or will receive information electronically in digital form. For example, personal computer, digital television, email, robot.

In the end it has been said that all the technology used in digital information and communication is called ICT.

Components Of An ICT

  1. Cloud computing
  2. Software
  3. Hardware
  4. Digital Transactions
  5. Digital Data
  6. Internet access

ICT usually does more than just list its components, though. It also covers the application of all those different components.

ICT in Education

ICT in Education – ICT in the field of education is promoting the work of learning and teaching. Through this, the curiosity of learning is increasing in the children, which was not there before.

ICT is working as a motivator in the lives of children.

Making children eager to study and get more information about their subject. Through e-learning we can teach in the classroom or outside the classroom.

E-learning is used by teachers and students It is being done by in schools, in homes or even in other places.

Through e-learning, you can learn everything sitting at home without going to school.

Where is Information Technology and Communication Technology used?

Information Technology:-

“Any technology through which we get information is called information technology.”

Word processing:

MS WORD is used to create Letter, Word Document, Report.


Financials report analysis is done through MS Excel, for accounting, for making reports and sheets.

Database software:

Software named Oracle / MS SQL Server / MsAccess etc. is used, to manage the database.

Presentation software:

MS PowerPoint is used to create presentations.

Desktop publishing: Like In design/Quark Express/MS Publisher through all these newsletters, magazines and some other complex documents are created.

Graphics software:

ex-Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are used to edit images, create logos.

ICT is also present here

Accounting package:

ex-Tally and Oracle are used to manage the accounts of the organisations.

Computer Aided Design (CAD):

  • CAD is used in the field of engineering.
  • Customer Relations Management (CRM):
  • For example, CRM is used to allow businesses to better understand businesses by collecting and analyzing their product preferences and buying habits, etc.

communication Technology:

Here are some examples of communication technology. Such as E-mail, Video Conference, LAN, MAN, WAN, FAX, Messaging App-(whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, wechat, Line). All these technologies used come under ICT.

Some other full forms related to ICT

  1. ICT -Ideal Cycle Time
  2. ICT -Illinois Center for Transportation
  3. ICT -Individual and Collective Training
  4. ICT -Indo China Time
  5. ICT -Information Centre Technology Mid-Continent Airport, USA
  6. ICT -Information and Computer Technology
  7. ICT -Institute for Counter-Terrorism
  8. ICT -Institute of Chemical Technology
  9. ICT -Institute of Computer Technology
  10. ICT -Interactive College of Technology
  11. ICT -Intermittent Cervical Traction
  12. ICT -International Campaign for Tibet
  13. ICT -International Cartoon Television
  14. ICT -International Communications Telesales
  15. ICT -International Container Terminal
  16. ICT -Internet Communications Team
  17. ICT -Internet and Communications Technology
  18. ICT -Introduction to Critical Thinking
  19. ICT – In-Circuit Test

Importance Of ICT

  • ICT is playing a very important role in the world. As we all know nowadays we are surrounded by technology. Nothing can be done without technology. Doing business through ICT has become very easy.
  • If we get the information at the right time then we can increase the productivity of our business.
  • In the same way ICT is used in business. ICT is very important in all the fields given below.

Daily Lives

ICT is associated with our daily life. which cannot be separated. Friends, I give you an example to explain this, as nowadays we are associated with our relatives. Even if that relative is abroad.

We are connected with our relatives only through technology. Like if we want to message then we use WhatsApp or Messenger or if we want to make video call then IMO or Google Duo ) is used.

Digital Computer OR Networking

Digital computer and networking have not put any boundary between us. We can do millions of transactions. That too with distant relatives by using net banking and net banking is also very secure.

Economic Development

ICT is one of the pillars of economic development. It has brought many improvements in human life because nowadays it is being used everywhere.

In banks, in studies, in hospitals etc. places. It gives us complete accurate information about anything and also helps us to access that information.

everyday life

ICT has become an important part of people’s life. It is increasing its importance in people’s life. And it is expected that this trend will continue in future.

ICT will become an important part of the personal and social life of educated people and it will be impossible to remove this part from the life of the people.

what new learn today?

The main topic of our article today was what is the full form of ICT – Full Form Of ICT in Hindi. As friends we know we are living in an evolving, digital world.

ICT is affecting every part of our life. From working, learning, teaching, playing .

The digital age has completely changed the way youth communicate, network, seek help and learn. The youth is living very conscious these days.

If we also want to know the news, then we can know the news of anywhere sitting at home through online website or online apps in Google without newspaper.

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