How to Define and Call a Function in javascript?

A JavaScript function is a group of reusable all the source code which can be called any where in your web page or script. This terminate the required of writing the same source code repete and repete. It useful programmers in writing modular or MVC based source codes. Functions allow a devloper to divide a big script project into a number of small as well as manageable functions.

JavaScript Functions

A JavaScript function is a one type of the block of code designed to execute a specific module.A JavaScript function is executed when “entity” invokes it (calls it)


function YourJSfunctionName(Parameter1, Parameter2, ..)
    // Some here Function body

Advantage of JavaScript function

There are Very Imp 2 Main advantages of JavaScript functions.

  • Code reusability:
  • Less coding:

Basic Example

JavaScript Functions

This JS example calls a function which executes a calculation, and returns the output:

JavaScript Function Methods

how to call a function as well as learn to types of functions and call javascript function from html source code using javascript

Method Description
apply() This is helps to call a function data contains this data value and a single array of Parameters.
bind() This is helps to create a new function.
call() This is helps to call a function contains this value as well as an Parameters list.
toString() This data returns the output in a HTML form of a data string.

The Arguments Object

All the functions in JavaScript source code can use Parameters object by default. a Parameters object added value of each parameter.

The Parameters object is an array like object. You can supports it is a data values using index similar to array. therefor, it does not support array methods in js.

Example: Arguments Object


Example: JavaScript arguments object

Example: Function Returning a Function


Examples: Function returing a function

Calling a Function

Live Demo


Click the bellow button to call the js function

This terminate the required of writing the same source code repete and repete. It useful programmers in writing modular or MVC based source codes.

Function Parameters


Click the bellow button to call the js function

Functions allow a devloper to divide a big script project into a number of small as well as manageable

javascript function return | The return Statement


Click the bellow button to call the js function

A JavaScript function is a group of reusable all the source code which can be called any where in your web page or script.

Arrow functions in JavaScript

also you can learn here arrow function javascript.

arrow function javascript

JavaScript parseInt() Function


JavaScript | match()


JavaScript Date parse() Method


JavaScript | Replace() Method
 Redirect to Webpage 

JS Replace Method

Map.get( ) In JavaScript


JavaScript parseFloat() Function




JavaScript | uneval() with Examples


Javascript | Window Blur() and Window Focus() Method


	window Blur and Focus method 


Blur and Focus

JavaScript | Window print() Method


		Simple HTML | DOM Window Print() method using JS






JavaScript unescape() Function


JavaScript escape() Function


I hope you get an idea about JavaScript function.
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