jQuery Code Snippets for Web Developers

Today, We want to share with you jQuery Code Snippets for Web Developers.In this post we will show you JQuery handy code snippets, hear for Advanced jQuery Tips And Tricks That Can Make Developers we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about jQuery and JavaScript Coding: Examples and Best Practices with an example.

jQuery Code Snippets for Web Developers

There are the Following The simple About 20+ Useful jQuery Code Snippets for Web Developers Full Information With Example and source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop jquery examples for practice, so the jquery helps in side scripting is used for this example is following below.

jQuery/JavaScript Part

we will simply include jquery CDN file. as well as We added some custom jQuery or pure JavaScript Source code.

use the functions based on above Example.

JQuery code to check if object is visible.

var ifVisible = $("#KaroseenData").is(":visible");

var ifVisible = $(".elementclsNm").is(":visible");

JQuery code to check if checkbox is checked.

var ifTicked = $("#KaroseenData").is(":checked");

var ifTicked = $("#KaroseenData").prop("checked");

var ifTicked = $("#KaroseenData").attr("checked");

$("#checklist input:checkbox").each(function(){

$("#checklist input:checkbox").each(function(){
$(this).prop("checked", true);

JQuery source code to if object is exist.

We use length property in here to check if an element is exists. Note: if the object is found, it will return a value more than 0.

var ifExist = $("#KaroseenData").length;

var ifExist = $(".elementclsNm").length;

JQuery code to remove all select options.



JQuery code to remove select option by id value or by text.

$("#students option[value='mobile']").remove();

$("#students option:contains('bread')").remove();

JQuery code to add or remove css class.


Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo

Read :


You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.

I hope you get an idea about jquery code snippet plugin.
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