Laravel 6 orderBy for Multiple columns

Today, We want to share with you Laravel 6 orderBy for Multiple columns.In this post we will show you Using OrderBy for multiple columns in Laravel 6, hear for Group Eloquent query by column, order by another we will give you average socialite demo and when, raw results, query, db, queries, update sql, left join, db method, union bindings, custom offset, mysql update, join sql example for implement.In this post, we will learn about discord join date & Order by using multiple columns and manually array field in Laravel? with an example.

Laravel 6 orderBy for Multiple columns

There are the Following The simple About laravel collection sort alphabetically Full Information With laravel wherein Example and update select mysql source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop Order by multiple column laravel 6 eloquent, so the laravel collection sort by multiple columns is used for this example is following below.

Example 1: two Columns orderby laravel

Multiple Columns Order By Example using DB

$data = DB::table('movies')
->orderBy('is_active_id', 'asc')
->orderBy('started_at', 'asc')

Example 2: Using OrderBy for multiple columns in Laravel 6

order by 2 conditions on query eloquent

$upCommingMovieList = Movie::where('soccer_match_id',$id)
->orderBy('is_active_id', 'DESC')
->orderBy('started_at', 'desc')->get();

How to sort twice with two columns in Laravel?

$visitors = Movie::user()->visitors()
->orderBy('started_at', 'DESC')

Using OrderByRaw

Movie::orderByRaw("started_at DESC, status ASC");

Example 3: Laravel 6 orderBy Eloquent query

Movie::orderBy('movie_name', 'DESC')
->orderBy('price', 'ASC')

MySQL Query

SELECT * FROM `movies` ORDER BY `movie_name` DESC , `started_at` ASC , `cinema_address` ASC;

Laravel Query

Movie::orderBy(array('movie_name'=>'desc', 'started_at'=>'asc'))
Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo

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I hope you get an idea about laravel order by relation.
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