Today, We want to share with you Laravel Create Read Update Delete Query Builder.In this post we will show you laravel insert or update multiple records, hear for CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) in a Laravel App we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about laravel query builder insert or update – Update or create with an example.
Laravel Create Read Update Delete Query Builder
There are the Following The simple About Laravel Create Read Update Delete Query Builder Full Information With Example and source code.
As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop laravel eloquent update multiple records, so the laravel db insert if not exists for this example is following below.
Creating and Update Laravel Eloquent
laravel query builder insert or update Example
Suppose you have Member table, where in which organization_Id and email is unique, Now lets see the below in best example we’ll display you can use latest version of the laravel query builder to MySQL Database update or insert in simple MySQL single laravel query.
$email = $request->email; $organizationId = $request->organizationId; Member::updateOrCreate(['email' => $email, 'organization_Id' => $organizationId], [ 'email' => $email, 'organization_Id' => $organizationId, . . . . //other Database MySQL columns as per your requirements ]);
In above Laravel query builder updateOrInsert or updateOrCreate example, laravel MySQL query builder will process where member email and organization id is exists in the MySQL table or not. If Data exists, it will simple MySQL update the row else it will MySQL Table insert or create the new row in the member table. You can also use simple updateOrInsert instead of updateOrCreate.
Update or create using Laravel
$email = $request->email; $organizationId = $request->organizationId; Member::updateOrInsert(['email' => $email, 'organization_Id' => $organizationId], [ 'email' => $email, 'organization_Id' => $organizationId, . . . . //other Members columns as per your MySQL Database requirements ]);
Laravel Inserting if record not exist, updating if exist
$product = Product::firstOrNew(array('product' => Input::get('product'))); $product->count += Input::get('available'); $product->save();
Angular 6 CRUD Operations Application Tutorials
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I hope you get an idea about Laravel Create Read Update Delete Query Builder.
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