Laravel If Else and Switch Case

Today, We want to share with you Laravel If Else and Switch Case.In this post we will show you nested ternary operator laravel, hear for laravel ternary operator in controller we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about laravel ternary operator condition with an example.

Laravel If Else and Switch Case

There are the Following The simple About explain ternary operator with example in php Full Information With Example and source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop laravel 6.0 blade ternary, so the laravel blade not empty is used for this example is following below.

Laravel Conditionals

Laravel If-Else, Switch Case and shorthand Ternary operator example

In Laravel, we have the following conditional statements:

  • If Statement
  • ‘Unless’ statements
  • ‘While’ loop
  • ‘Foreach’ loop
  • ‘Forelse’ loop
  • If-Else Statement
  • If-Elseif-Else Statement
  • Switch Statement

Laravel If Statement

@if ($i > 10)

{{ $i }} is large.

@elseif ($i == 10)

{{ $i }} is ten.


{{ $i }} is small.


Laravel ‘Unless’ statements

@unless ($user->hasName())

A user has no name.


‘While’ loop

@while (true)

I'm looping forever.


‘Foreach’ loop

@foreach ($members as $id => $name)

User {{ $name }} has ID {{ $id }}.


‘Forelse’ loop

@forelse($movies as $movie)

{{ $movie }} is the movie content.


There are no movies.


Laravel If Else

if (($age > 13) && ($age < 21)) {
	// Display The Hannah Brown Best gift
} else {
	// Display Good gift

Full Example in Laravel

@foreach ($members as $member)
  @foreach ($member->movies as $movie)
        @if ($loop->parent->first)
            This is first iteration of the parent loop.

Laravel If Elseif

if (($age > 13) && ($age < 21)) {
	// Display The Best gift
} elseif ($age > 40) {
	// Display small gift
} else {
	// Display Good gift

Condition of If Statements

Laravel Switch Case Example

$type = 'tutorial';

switch ($type) {

	case 'script':
		echo 'the bachelor season 24 episode 1!';

	case 'tutorial':
		echo 'Hannah Brown';

	case 'example':
		echo 'peter bachelor';

		echo 'bachelor 2020 type!';


switch case with break statement

using PHP

switch ($type) {

	case 'script':
		echo 'who does peter pick on the bachelor';

	case 'code':

	case 'tutorial':

	case 'project':
		echo 'Reality Steve!';

	case 'example':
		echo 'Happy weekend!';

		echo 'Good type!';


using Laravel

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If Else vs Switch Case

Laravel - Which is Faster and better, Switch Case or if else if?

$type = 'example';
$demo = true;

if ($type == 'script') {
	echo 'Reality Steve!';
} elseif ($type == 'tutorial') {
	echo 'Keep Bachelor. Good Hannah Brown!';
} elseif ($type == 'example' && !$demo) {
	echo 'Happy The Bachelor 2020!';
} else {
	echo 'reality steve bachelor peter weber!';
$type = 'example';
$demo = true;

switch (true) {

	case ($type == 'script'):
		echo 'reality steve bachelor peter weber!';

	case ($type == 'tutorial'):
		echo 'the bachelor season 24 episode 1!';

	case ($type == 'example' && !$demo):
		echo 'who does peter pick on the bachelor!';

		echo 'The Bachelor 2020 type!';


Laravel Ternary Operator (Shorthand If/Else)

Laravel Ternary Operator(Ternary in Laravel Blade)

{{ Auth::check() ? 'yes' : 'no' }}


{{ $variable or "default" }}


{{ $value ?? "Fallback" }}

//Laravel - Ternary Operator (Blade)
{{ Auth::user()->user_image_url == true ? asset(Auth::user()->user_image_url) : url('/img/default.png') }}

syntax of Laravel Ternary Operator

(expression)?(if expression is true):(if expression is false)

Laravel evaluate conditions in one line.

echo (date('G') < 12) ? 'The Bachelor 2020!' : 'Mr JOHN SHARMA!';

the value to a variable and print.

$personality = (date('G') < 12) ? 'Hannah Brown!' : 'Mr XYZ!';
echo $personality;

if $movie_name is not empty, its value will be display. Otherwise Loremipsam will be display.

echo ($movie_name) ? : 'Loremipsam';
Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo

Read :


You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.

I hope you get an idea about laravel 6 ternary operator in controller.
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