Pagination in PHP and MySQLi Source Code

In the previous article on how to create pagination links in php, I had seen why pagination is needed and also developed a basic structure for implementing a pagination system step by step using PHP full source code With Example and Demo. In step by step, let us start with our development step by step process as well as first of all we create a php script to connect to our mysql Database.

simple pagination in php

In this example We are going to explain how to create pagination or feature using PHP and MySQLi.


  Bootstrap Implementation of Pagination with PHP and MySQL

how to use the paginations in php

productid Product p_name Product desc Product code Product price
"; for ($i=1; $i<=$all_product_pages; $i++) { $pagenavigationLinks .= "
  • ".$i."
  • "; } echo $pagenavigationLinks . ""; ?>

    How to make PHP Pagination With Example and Demo

    Step 1: Connecting to Database


    Step 2: Fetching from Database

    require_once "connection.php"; 
    $limit = 10;
    if (isset($_GET["page"])) { 
    	$pn = $_GET["page"]; 
    else { 
    $start_from = ($pn-1) * $limit; 
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM products LIMIT $start_from, $limit"; 
    $get_products = mysql_query ($sql); 

    Step 3: Showing the Records

    //paginations in php example

    Step 4: Showing the Page Navigation

    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products"; 
    $get_products = mysql_query($sql); 
    $data = mysql_fetch_row($get_products); 
    $all_products = $data[0]; 
    // Number of pages required. 
    $all_product_pages = ceil($all_products / $limit); 
    $pagenavigationLinks = "";					 
    for ($i=1; $i<=$all_product_pages; $i++) { 
    	$pagenavigationLinks .= "
  • ".$i."
  • "; else $pagenavigationLinks .= "
  • ".$i."
  • "; }; echo $pagenavigationLinks;

    Step 5: dynamic paginations in php with mysql example

    	Implementation of Pagination with PHP and MySQL 

    paginations in php using ajax

    Implementation of Paginations with PHP and MySQL

    This page is just for demonstration of Basic Paginations using PHP.

    Code Product Name Product Info Product Price
      ".$i.""; } else { $pagenavigationLinks .= "
    • ".$i."
    • "; } }; echo $pagenavigationLinks; ?>

    I hope you get an idea about paginations code in php with next and previous.
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