PHP Send HTML Email Table Format Template
Today, We want to share with you PHP Send HTML Email Table Format Template.
In this post we will show you PHP Send HTML Email with Table Format, hear for Send Beautiful HTML Email using PHP we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about how to send email in php with html format with an example.
in this post will show you how to PHP Send HTML Email with Table Format example
require 'include/config.php'; $NewDate=Date('M j, Y', strtotime("+15 days")); $sql = "SELECT * FROM mtto"; $result = $conn->query($sql); $to = "[email protected]"; //$to = "[email protected]"; $subject = "Dreams pakainfo Notification"; $message ="Dear ".$to; $message .= "Dreams pakainfo PHP Get Email With Table Dreams pakainfo
Sr.No | Date | Descripción | Fecha inicial | Periodicidad | F Control 1 | F Control 2 | F Control 3 |
".$i." | "; $message .="". date("M j, Y", strtotime($row['date_time']))." | "; $message .="".$row["descr"]." | "; $message .="".date("M j, Y", strtotime($row['fecha_inicial']))." | "; $message .="".$row["period"]." | "; $message .="".$row["fecha_1"]." | "; $message .="".$row["fecha_2"]." | "; $message .="".$row["fecha_3"]." | "; $message .="
kind Regards
"; //print_r($results); //set headers with content-type HTML when sending HTML email in PHP $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n"; // set More headers in PHP $headers .= 'From: