Today, We want to share with you PHP wordpress get timezone.In this post we will show you wordpress get website time, hear for wordpress strtotime timezone we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about How to get WordPress Time Zone setting? with an example.
PHP wordpress get timezone
There are the Following The simple About Set correct timezone in PHP Date function Full Information With Example and source code.
As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop How to get current date and time in WordPress?, so the Get GMT Offset from ‘gmt_offset’ option in wordpress is used for this example is following below.
How to get WordPress Time Zone setting?
Get gmt_offset
Get timezone_string
How to get date using timezone saved in options?
$timezone_string = get_option('timezone_string'); date_default_timezone_set($timezone_string);
wordpress – current timezone using php
wp timezone and gmt offset
fetch_offset_from_zone($gmt_offset); $fulltimezone = timezone_open($timezone_str ); } else { $fulltimezone = timezone_open(date_default_timezone_get()); // this will give UTC as wordpress ALWAYS uses UTC } } return $fulltimezone; } function fetch_offset_from_zone($offset) { $timezones_list = calc_offset_from_tz_list (); $timezones_list = array( '0'=>'Europe/London', '0:30'=>'Europe/London', '1'=>'Europe/Paris', '1:30'=>'Africa/Johannesburg', '2'=>'Europe/Helsinki', '2:30'=>'Europe/Moscow', '3'=>'Europe/Moscow', '3:30'=>'Asia/Tehran', '4'=>'Asia/Baku', '4:30'=>'Asia/Kabul', '5'=>'Asia/Karachi', '5:30'=>'Asia/Calcutta', '5:45'=>'Asia/Katmandu', '6'=>'Asia/Colombo', '6:30'=>'Asia/Rangoon', '7'=>'Asia/Bangkok', '7:30'=>'Asia/Singapore', '8'=>'Asia/Singapore', '8:30' => 'Asia/Harbin', '8:45' => 'Australia/Eucla', '9'=>'Asia/Tokyo', '9:30'=>'Australia/Darwin', '10'=>'Pacific/Guam', '10:30' => 'Australia/Lord_Howe', '11'=>'Australia/Sydney', '11:30'=>'Pacific/Norfolk', '12'=>'Asia/Kamchatka', '12:45' => 'Pacific/Chatham', '13'=>'Pacific/Enderbury', '13:45' => 'Pacific/Chatham', '14'=>'Pacific/Kiritimati' '-0:30'=>'Europe/London', '-1'=>'Atlantic/Azores', '-1:30'=>'Atlantic/Azores', '-2'=>'Brazil/DeNoronha', '-2:30'=>'America/St_Johns', '-3'=>'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', '-3:30'=>'America/St_Johns', '-4'=>'America/Manaus', '-4:30'=>'America/Caracas', '-5'=>'America/New_York', '-5:30'=>'America/New_York', '-6'=>'America/Mexico_City', '-6:30'=>'America/Mexico_City', '-7'=>'America/Denver', '-7:30'=>'America/Denver', '-8'=>'America/Los_Angeles', '-8:30'=>'Pacific/Pitcairn', '-9'=>'America/Juneau', '-9:30'=>'Pacific/Marquesas', '-10'=>'Pacific/Honolulu', '-10:30'=>'Pacific/Honolulu', '-11'=>'Pacific/Samoa', '-11:30'=>'Pacific/Samoa', '-12'=>'Pacific/Kwajalein', ); $intoffset = intval($offset); $stroffset = strval($intoffset); if (isset($timezones_list[$stroffset])) return ($timezones_list[$stroffset]); else return false; } function calc_offset_from_tz_list () { $list_time_zone = timezone_identifiers_list(); //echo ''.print_r($list_time_zone, true).'';
$utc = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$now = new DateTime("now", $utc);
foreach ($list_time_zone as $fulltimezone) {
$allObject = new DateTimeZone($fulltimezone);
$off = $allObject->getOffset($now)/(60*60);
$hour = (int) $off;
$decimal = $off - $hour;
$floarhour = $decimal * 60;
$offsets[$fulltimezone] = (string) $hour ;
if ($floarhour > 0) $offsets[$fulltimezone] .= ':'. (string) $floarhour ;
}//echo '
'.print_r( $offsets, true).'';
$dtaa_timeZonePrt =array_flip($offsets);
echo ''.print_r( $dtaa_timeZonePrt, true).'';
return $dtaa_timeZonePrt;
}Get TimeZone Offset From UTC
int(NSTimeZone.localTimeZone().secondsFromGMT())Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo
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I hope you get an idea about wordpress get mysql date.
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