Today, We want to share with you matrix multiplication in python user input.In this post we will show you matrix in python example, hear for matrix multiplication in python using function we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about How To Take Two Inputs In One Line In Python? with an example.
Matrix addition in python user input
Below is python program to multiply two matrices.
Example 1:
def print_design(design): for i in range(len(design)): for j in range(len(design[0])): print("\t",design[i][j],end=" ") print("\n") def main(): m = int( input("enter single design rows")); n = int( input("enter single design columns")); p = int( input("enter second design rows")); q = int( input("enter second design columns")); if( n != p): print ("matrice multipilication not possible..."); exit(); #declaration of arrays items1=[[0 for j in range (0 , n)] for i in range (0 , m)] items2=[[0 for j in range (0 , q)] for i in range (0 , p)] response=[[0 for j in range (0 , q)] for i in range (0 , m)] #taking input from user print ("enter single design data values:" ) for i in range(0 , m): for j in range(0 , n): items1[i][j]=int (input("enter data value")) print ("enter second design data values:") for i in range(0 , p): for j in range(0 , q): items2[i][j]=int(input("enter data value")) print ("single design") print_design(items1) print ("second design") print_design(items2) #for multiplication # i will run throgh each row of design1 for i in range(0 , m): # j will run through each column of design 2 for j in range(0 , q): # k will run throguh each row of design 2 for k in range(0 , n): response[i][j] += items1[i][k] * items2[k][j] #printing response print ( "multiplication of two matrices:" ) print_design(response) main()
Program to multiply two matrices in Python
Example 2:
import random jds=input("Give Any No. of rows in the single design: ") fl1=input("Give Any No. of columns in the single design: ") a = [[random.random() for col in range(fl1)] for row in range(jds)] for i in range(jds): for j in range(fl1): a[i][j]=input() lks=input ("Give Any No. of rows in the second design: ") secPar=input ("Give Any No. of columns in the second design: ") b = [[random.random() for col in range(secPar)] for row in range(lks)] for i in range(lks): for j in range(secPar): b[i][j]=input() c=[[random.random()for col in range(secPar)]for row in range(jds)] if (fl1==lks): for i in range(jds): for j in range(secPar): c[i][j]=0 for k in range(fl1): c[i][j]+=a[i][k]*b[k][j] print c[i][j],'\t', print else: print "Multiplication not possible"
Give Any No. of rows in the single design: 3 Give Any No. of columns in the single design: 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Give Any No. of rows in the second design: 2 Give Any No. of columns in the second design: 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Output: 9 12 15 19 26 33 29 40 51
I hope you get an idea about python program to generate n*n matrix from user input.
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