Sorting MultiDimensional Arrays using PHP
In this Post We Will Explain About is Sorting MultiDimensional Arrays using PHP With Example and Demo.Welcome on – Examples, The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to php sort multidimensional array by date Example
In this post we will show you Best way to implement php – Sort Multi-dimensional Array by Value, hear for Sort php multidimensional array by sub-value with Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.
Sort multidimensional array
To sort simple step by step multidimensional array by all the values, We may use a simple user-defined some comparison function usort array list. The function sort using PHP array by some values using a create some user-defined comparison function. as well as If ae want to all the sort an array by some data non-trivial data criteria, We should use some this function.
usort ( array &$array , callback $cmp_function )
For some example we have an array to all sort:
$live_array[0]["time"] = "10.05"; $live_array[1]["time"] = "09.50"; $live_array[2]["time"] = "10.00"; $live_array[3]["time"] = "10.00"; $live_array[4]["time"] = "11.00";
We need to all the multidimensional array sort this array some according to the time in like as a ascending order. Therefor we need to simple use a user-defined method or function comparison data function to all the multidimensional array sort this type of array.
function two_array_compare($arr_live, $second_array) { if($arr_live['time'] < $second_array['time']){ return -1; } else if($arr_live['time'] > $second_array['time']){ return 1; } else if($arr_live['time'] == $second_array['time']){ return 0; } } usort($array, "two_array_compare");
It will give We the some sorted array data but assigns simple new keys and values to the HTML elements in array. It will some duplication remove any existing some keys that can have been data values assigned, and than just reordering some the keys.
If We are using a some class We should use it like as source code below:
usort($array, array('ClassName','two_array_compare'));
usort($array, array($this,'two_array_compare'));
If We want the sort array some result in like as a descending order We need to data change a some little in data two array comparison data function as below:
function two_array_compare($arr_live, $second_array) { if($arr_live['time'] > $second_array['time']){ return -1; }else if($arr_live['time'] < $second_array['time']){ return 1; }else if($arr_live['time'] == $second_array['time']){ return 0; } } usort($array, "two_array_compare");
I hope you have Got What is php sort multidimensional array by value alphabetically And how it works.I would Like to have FeadBack From My Blog( readers.Your Valuable FeadBack,Any Question,or any Comments abaout This Article( Are Most Always Welcome.