Questions: what is xname weather?, how do i change weather on my fitbit xname?, which side of xnames has the best weather?, how to get my bath bombs to dry in Xamarin.Forms Application weather? and it is Xamarin to take the weather into account when you are planning water activities.
xname weather – Get weather & forecast information
xname weather – Get weather & forecast Info In Xamarin.Forms For Android And UWP
Weather details is important for planning our day-to-day activities. Reading this Big popular Post, you will all about learn to get the weather information using 100% free API key from in Xamarin.Forms web application, for device of the Android as well as (UWP)Universal Windows Platform.
Required Tools
The following most important platforms are required for developing the UWP.
Let`s start, we can discuss Phase by Phase simple and short tiny app development for xname weather 10 day.
Level 1
Open Visual Studio 2017 and gonna to Start -> New Project -> Cross-Platform (under Visual C#) -> Cross Platform App (Xamarin) -> Give the your Project name for your best uniq app (XamWeather) -> OK.
step – 1 Open Visual Studio 2017 and go to Start – New Project
Level 2
choose the Cross-Platform simple template as a Blank Android APP. update new fresh UI Technology as Forms as well as social Sharing as PCL. and then Visual Studio make a 4 app projects Like as a (Portable way, and Droid, best iOS, latest UWP) and screen to displays some idea Getting
. step – 2 Select the Cross-Platform template as a Blank APP
Level 3
For Guest View, in MainPage.Xaml Page, add the label control for title inside StackLayout.
simple you can Add Label, text, Entry, as well as button controls added for getting some working PINCODE with form validatiob from the Guest.
Add the text with Label form Controls for new uniq layout guest displaying Location types, display Temperature, every day status for Sunrise or sunrise xname 1 2020, Sunset, all the Wind Speed, as well as all the Humidity.
Level 4
For simple Level 4 you can performing the api HTTP request as well as get the response, and save & add the Newton.json you file's some data reference.
and then you can simple Right-click the Best Solution(XamWeather)->Manage NuGet packages for your Solution.
step-4 Right-click the Solution(XamWeather)-Manage NuGet packages for Solution
Browse display as well install the simple processing for your reference.
step 4.1 Browse and install the reference
Level 5
what is the pincode of xname xname?
Include the following class all the source code for two way data binding (added or store the Weather Information) in MainPage.Xaml.cs
public class Weather {
public string Title {
public string Temperature {
public string Wind {
public string Humidity {
public string Visibility {
public string Sunrise {
public string Sunset {
public Weather() {
this.Title = " ";
this.Temperature = " ";
this.Wind = " ";
this.Humidity = " ";
this.Visibility = " ";
this.Sunrise = " ";
this.Sunset = " ";
Level 6
Add the following namespace and code for btnGetWeather_Click (send the PIN code detail and retrive the information) Event method.
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Net.Http;
private async void btnGetWeather_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entPinCode.Text)) {
Weather weather = await GetWeather(entPinCode.Text);
if (weather != null) {
txtLocation.Text = weather.Title;
txtTemperature.Text = weather.Temperature;
txtWind.Text = weather.Wind;
txtHumidity.Text = weather.Humidity;
txtSunrise.Text = weather.Sunrise;
txtSunset.Text = weather.Sunset;
btnGetWeather.Text = "Search Again";
public static async Task < Weather > GetWeather(string pinCode) {
string key = "Your Key";
string queryString = "" + pinCode + ",in&appid=" + key + "&units=imperial";
if (key != " Your Key ") {
throw new ArgumentException("Get you API key from and assign it in the 'key' variable.");
dynamic weatherdetails = await getDataFromService(queryString).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (weatherdetails["weather"] != null) {
Weather weather = new Weather();
weather.Title = (string) weatherdetails["name"];
weather.Temperature = (string) weatherdetails["main"]["temp"] + " F";
DateTime time = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
DateTime sunrise = time.AddSeconds((double) weatherdetails["sys"]["sunrise"]);
DateTime sunset = time.AddSeconds((double) weatherdetails["sys"]["sunset"]);
weather.Sunrise = sunrise.ToString() + " UTC";
weather.Sunset = sunset.ToString() + " UTC";
weather.Wind = (string) weatherdetails["wind"]["speed"] + " mph";
weather.Humidity = (string) weatherdetails["main"]["humidity"] + " %";
return weather;
} else {
return null;
public static async Task < dynamic > getDataFromService(string pQueryString) {
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var response = await client.GetAsync(pQueryString);
dynamic data = null;
if (response != null) {
string json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
return data;
Level 7
Live with run your app to use Android Emulator as well as set the Local Machine (UWP). The weatherdetails of the XamWeather new good App is shown screen shoat below.
Last some words according to me, you have Level by Level learn all the things successfully retrieved Weather and xname 10 day forecast full Information using 100% free API key from latest in Xamarin.Forms all the open source application under some data get the cross-platform application all the users development.
I hope you get an idea about Retrieving Weather Info In Xamarin.Forms Application For Android And UWP.
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