Today, We want to share with you 10 Useful PHP Filesystem Functions with Example.
In this post we will show you PHP file system functions, hear for php read file line by line into array we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about PHP File Functions Use and Example with an example.
10 Useful PHP Filesystem Functions with Example
There are the Following The simple About 10 Useful PHP Filesystem Functions with Example Full Information With Example and source code.
PHP Files – An Introduction:
The file() function main reads a any file into all the data an array.
Example – PHP file() Function
PHP file() :- php read array from file
The sample pakainfo.txtoutput of the source code above will be:
Array ( [0] => Hello Friends. pakinfo Tutorials! [1] => It is the most popular Programming & Web Development blog. [2] => It is web professionals — developers, programmers, freelancers and site owners, [3] => here live demos and download scripts? )
The readfile( )
readfile( ) PHP function:
fopen() function:
List of fopen() options:
- a+: same as to “a” along with read mode access.
- a: To simple write mode and append mode data to the end of all data the file.
- r+: To read and write both mode to a file.
- r: To read mode a file only.
- w+: same as to “w”, so need to read mode and write mode file.
- w: To write mode to a file only
CSV files:
save the file and store data with the extension – CSV
<?php $manage_file = fopen(“pakainfo.csv”,“r”); while(!feof($manage_file)) { $toatal_line_no = fgetcsv(File_handle, 1024); print $toatal_line_no[0].$toatal_line_no[1].$toatal_line_no[2].”
”; } fclose($manage_file); ?>
File System Management with PHP
File size and type
The PHP filesize() main function simple returns the total size of the this file.
Copying and renaming files
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I hope you get an idea about Understanding PHP File System Functions.
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