Check if a string is None or null in python

Today, We want to share with you null in python.In this post we will show you None in Python, hear for What is the None keyword in Python? we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about how to skip a line in python? with an example.

what is null in python?

Interesting Facts

  • None is not the same as False.
  • None is not 0.
  • None is not an empty string.
  • Comparing None to anything will always return False except None itself.

Check if a string is empty or null

Example 1:

var = None

if var is None: # Checking if the variable is None
  print("Not None")

Comparing None with empty string:

str = ""

print (str == None)

Comparing None with False type:

print(None == False)

Comparing None with None type:

print (None == None)

Check the type of None object:

typeOfNone = type(None) 


Example 2: Python Null Using the == operator

ex_none = None
if ex_none == None:
    print('The data value of the variable is none')
    print('Its a not null variable')

Example 3: Checking if a variable is None (Null) in Python using is operator:

var = None
if var is None: # Checking if the variable is None
  print("Not None")

None (Null) value in a List example

str_list_None = ['List','with', None, 'Value']
for str in str_list_None:
    print ("The current list item:",str)

Pandas isnull() and notnull()

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv("employees.csv")

bool_series = pd.isnull(data["Team"])


Using notnull()

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv("employees.csv")

bool_series = pd.notnull(data["Gender"])


I hope you get an idea about python check if null or empty.
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