cPanel custom PHP.INI File Configuration
Today, We want to share with you cPanel custom PHP.INI File Configuration.
In this post we will show you PHP.INI file Configuration with cPanel steps, hear for How to set up custom php.ini files we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about How to Change PHP Settings in your Hosting Account with an example.
The PHP (config file)configuration file on webserver, File Name: php.ini,
is the final and most Esay and startup way to affect your PHP’s functionality.
Create a php.ini File
Step By Step : How to make easy way to create a new php.ini file using cPanel:
(:=> First of all Login to cPanel in your web domain.
(:=> Select In the Files section in cPanel,now click on the File Manager menu icon.
(:=> in cPanel,Select Home(root) Directory and click Go there.
(:=> Now there Click the New File button link at the top of the page in cPanel.
(:=> In cPanel, the field called Add – New File Name, make file : enter php.ini and click Create New File and save.
(:=> File name : Click the file – named php.ini in cPanel.
(:=> Last setp Select the Edit button click and then at the top of the page display and click the Edit button(Edit) in the pop-up box(open pop-up box).
PHP settings LIST : php.ini File Settings You Can two Change below :
1st : register_globals = On //Boolean
2nd : magic_quotes_gpc = Off //Boolean
PHP all Settings below that Cannot be Changed(required)
#=> safe mode = Off (cannot adjust) //required
#=> memory_limit = 256M (MAXIMUM) //required
#=> max_execution_time = 30 (MAXIMUM in seconds) //required
#=> max_input_time = 60 (MAXIMUM in seconds) //required
#=> post_max_size = 64M (MAXIMUM) //required
#=> upload_max_filesize = 64M (MAXIMUM) //required
#=> enable_dl = Off (cannot adjust) //required
[First] : short_open_tag = Off //Boolean on or off
[NEXT] : safe_mode = Off //Boolean on or off
[NEXT] : safe_mode_exec_dir = [DIR] //base path include directory
[NEXT] : safe_mode_allowed_env_vars =
[PHP_] //include
[NEXT] : safe_mode_protected_env_vars = [LD_LIBRARY_PATH] //base path include directory
[NEXT] : disable_functions = [newfunction0, newfunction1…]
[NEXT] : max_execution_time = 30 //time seconds
[NEXT] : error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE //error display notise
[NEXT] : error_prepend_string = [“”] //string pass
[NEXT] : warn_plus_overloading = Off //Boolean on or off
[NEXT] : variables_order = EGPCS //display
[NEXT] : register_globals = Off //Boolean on or off
[NEXT] : gpc_order = GPC //order
[NEXT] : magic_quotes_gpc = On //Boolean on or off
[NEXT] : magic_quotes_runtime = Off //Boolean on or off
[NEXT] : magic_quotes_sybase = Off //Boolean on or off
[NEXT] : auto-prepend-file = [path/to/file] //base path include directory
[NEXT] : auto-append-file = [path/to/file] //base path include directory
[NEXT] : include_path = [DIR] //base path include directory
[NEXT] : doc_root = [DIR] //base path include directory
[NEXT] : file_uploads = [on/off] //Boolean on or off
[NEXT] : upload_tmp_dir = [DIR] //base path include directory
[NEXT] : = files //base path include directory
[NEXT] : mysql.default_host = (localhost)hostname
[NEXT] : mysql.default_user =(admin) username
[LAST] : mysql.default_password =(*****) password
To Display WinCache php configuration and other all PHP settings below.
Step 1 : First of all Open a text editor Like(SubLine,Notepad++,dreamviwer,etc..)
Step 2 :create a new file using PHP, type the following in add the text: <!–?php phpinfo(); ?–> //simple script using PHP
Step 3 : and then ctrl+s Save This file as c:\mycomputer\wwwroot\phpinfo.php.//server path
Step 4 :Now Last run this file with Open a browser(Mozila,chrome..) and enter the below following URL:
PHP Create a script to display your all PHP information properly
File Name : phpinfo.php
We hope you get an idea about cPanel custom PHP.INI File Configuration
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