Detect Screen height size width Property using Jquery
Today, We want to share with you Detect Screen height size width Property using Jquery.
In this post we will show you Detect Screen height size width Property using Jquery, hear for Detect Screen height size width Property using Jquery we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Detect Screen height size width Property using Jquery with an example.
This is a simple POST of how to get screen window width size and height size of your browser window using javascript and jquery.
jQuery simple outerWidth() function and outerHeight() function or methods. The outerWidth() method returns simple the width of an each element (includes all padding and same border). The outerHeight() method returns the all height of an each element (includes same padding and border).
Dimensions : height and width Property
There are list of the jquery Dimensions.get window-Screen height and width size
- .height()
- .width()
- .innerHeight()
- .innerWidth()
- .outerHeight()
- .outerWidth()
jquery $(window).width() and $(window).height
var width = $(window).width(), height = $(window).height(); if ((width = 768)) { alert('Your screen width is'+width); } else { alert('Do nothing error message'); }
Detect screen size with javascript
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth; console.log(windowWidth); var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; console.log(windowHeight); alert('Your screen width is: '+ windowWidth + ' and Your screen height is:' + windowHeight);
Set width in percentage using jQuery
Using the width function: $('div#menudiv').width('70%'); will turn: into:
Screen innerWidth and innerHeight Property
var w = window.innerWidth; console.log(w); var h = window.innerHeight; console.log(h);
get window screen width with Jquery
if ($(window).width() < 960) { alert('Your Screen Less than 960'); } else { alert('Your Screen More than 960'); }
Full Example Of inner and outer width and height
var data = ""; data += " Your Screeb innerWidth: " + window.innerWidth + "
"; data += "Your Screeb innerHeight: " + window.innerHeight + "
"; data += "Your Screeb outerWidth: " + window.outerWidth + "
"; data += "Your Screeb outerHeight: " + window.outerHeight + "
"; document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = data;
Get DIV width and height in javascript
var width; if (need == 1) { width = $("#web").width(); } else { width = $("#set").width(); }