laravel findOrFail Eloquent Query

In this Post, We will describe Laravel find and findOrFail can need to eloquent find a record in the database table for using find as well as findOrFail can eloquent find a funcion in add argument to get a row.

Laravel 7/6/5 find() and findOrFail() Eloquent Query

We will display the difference between eloquent find and findOrFail method. eloquent find as well as findOrFail funcion input argument single argument.

if you can find a method to get a row but eloquent find a funcion to get only database table to are need row not found as well as then display 404 Page. for a appaly if conditions. findOrFail funcion to get a record as well as not found row than display automatically 404 Page

How to use findOrFail() method?

Sometimes you may wish to throw Not Found Exceptions if a particular row is not found. To do this, you may use the findOrFail method in Laravel findOrFail funcion with generates as well as Not Found Exceptions if particular record is not found.

$model = Customer::findOrFail(1);

What is the difference between these methods?

  • find()
  • findOrFail()
  • first()
  • firstOrFail()
  • get()
  • list()
  • toArray()
  • all()
  • destroy()
  • delete()
  • save()

Here the example of find() and findOrFail()

Example Find Method

Here is a simple example of eloquent find method, but if you use find() then you must check each variable is null or not(Not Found Exceptions) so you have to manually sent or redirect to 404 page like as following:

 * Show the application dashboard.
 * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable
public function index(){
  $customerId = 78;
  $customer  = Customer::find($customerId);

  	return abort(404);


Example findOrFail Method

If you will use findOrFail() then you don’t require to check aboject null or not like eloquent find() method. it will automatic check and then run bellow source code:

 * Show the application dashboard.
 * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable
public function index(){
  $customerId = 78;

  $customer  = Customer::findOrFail($customerId);

Handling findOrFail exceptions

    $customer = Customer::findOrFail($id);
// catch(Exception $e) catch any exception
catch(ModelNotFoundException $e)

Not Found Exceptions in findOrFail() in Laravel

$model = App\Customer::findOrFail(1);

$model = App\Customer::where('legs', '>', 100)->firstOrFail();

If the Customer exception is not caught, a 404 HTTP response is automatically redirect back to the customer. It is not required to compose explicit checks with verfity to return 404 HTTP responses when using some bellow methods:

Route::get('/api/customers/{id}', function ($id) {
    return App\Customer::findOrFail($id);

Retrieving records

Using Laravel Eloquent ORM, retrieving and finding data records from the database is achievable as well simply. Database: Query Builder are simply built as well supported a great easy flow. For creating ::where() Query statements, you will use Laravel eloquent ORM get() as well eloquent first() methods. The first() method will return only single row, while the eloquent get() funcion will return an array of data records that you can each loop over. Also the find() funcion can be helps with an array of primary keys, which will return a laravel findorfail collection of matching data records. Here are some some examples:

Example all() Method in laravel

$customer = Customers::all();

Example find() Method in laravel

$customer = Customers::find(1);

This full source code gets all the customers. While the source code below, finds a specific customer by id:

Example first() Method in laravel

$JohnDoe = Customers::where('name', '=', 'Donald Trump')->first();

Also, as shown below, the source code describes to find a customer based on specific attribute.

Example get() Method in laravel

$rankCustomers = Customer::where('customer_rank', '>', 8)->get();

For the get() funcion, this source code shows how to find a customer with a rank level greater than 5.

Example list() Method in laravel

Customer::lists('full_name', 'id');

Example toArray() Method in laravel

$rankCustomers = App\Customer::all();
return $rankCustomers->toArray();

Convert eloquent model to json :

$rankCustomers = App\Customer::find(1);
return $rankCustomers->toJson();

Updating records

Updating Customers records using Eloquent is as simply. To update a record, just find the record you would like to update record in eloquent, change the attributes, as well save using eloquent ORM. For example, to update the customer rank level of Donald Trump to 8, first find the customer as well then execute or run the save method.

Example save() Method in laravel

$JohnDoe = Bear::where('name', '=', 'Donald Trump')->first();
$JohnDoe->danger_level = 8;

Deleting records

Eloquent boasts its simply process of updating Customers records, but it has the same information with deleting. There are 2 types of the main options: record pull-out as well run delete eloquent method, or simply use the destroy funcion. To find as well delete a record using eloquent, simply execute the bellow commands:

Example delete() Method in laravel

$customer = Customers::find(1);

Example destroy() Method in laravel

To delete a record using eloquent as well multiple Customers records, the commands are executed:

Customers::destroy(1, 2, 3);

Please note that the parameters of destroy are primary keys only unlike the eloquent delete funcion which can accept any database column.

Example delete() with where() Method in laravel

To eloquent find as well delete all customers with rank level that is greater than 50.

Customers::where('customer_rank', '>', 50)->delete();

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I hope you get an idea about findorfail laravel.
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