how to convert html to pdf in php?

Today, We want to share with you how to convert html to pdf in php.In this post we will show you html to pdf using php, hear for convert html to pdf in php with dompdf we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about html to pdf using php with an example.

Convert HTML to PDF in PHP with Dompdf

Here are some online services that you can use:

  • PDFShift
  • Restpack
  • PDF Layer
  • DocRaptor
  • HTML to PDF Rocket

How to convert HTML to PDF file in PHP?


How to convert html to pdf  |

Fill Form and submit to generate PDF


    $this->fontlist=array('arial', 'times', 'courier', 'helvetica', 'symbol');

function submitInHTMLCode($html)


"); $html=str_replace("\n",' ',$html); //remplace retour à la ligne par un espace $a=preg_split('/<(.*)>/U',$html,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach($a as $i=>$e) { if($i%2==0) { if($this->HREF) $this->PutLink($this->HREF,$e); else $this->Write(5,stripslashes(txtentities($e))); } else { if($e[0]=='/') $this->CloseTag(strtoupper(substr($e,1))); else { //Extract attributes $a2=explode(' ',$e); $tag=strtoupper(array_shift($a2)); $swiselogs=array(); foreach($a2 as $v) { if(preg_match('/([^=]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)/',$v,$a3)) $swiselogs[strtoupper($a3[1])]=$a3[2]; } $this->OpenTag($tag,$swiselogs); } } } } function OpenTag($tag, $swiselogs) { switch($tag){ case 'STRONG': $this->SetStyle('B',true); break; case 'EM': $this->SetStyle('I',true); break; case 'B': case 'I': case 'U': $this->SetStyle($tag,true); break; case 'A': $this->HREF=$swiselogs['HREF']; break; case 'IMG': if(isset($swiselogs['SRC']) && (isset($swiselogs['WIDTH']) || isset($swiselogs['HEIGHT']))) { if(!isset($swiselogs['WIDTH'])) $swiselogs['WIDTH'] = 0; if(!isset($swiselogs['HEIGHT'])) $swiselogs['HEIGHT'] = 0; $this->Image($swiselogs['SRC'], $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), px2mm($swiselogs['WIDTH']), px2mm($swiselogs['HEIGHT'])); } break; case 'TR': case 'BLOCKQUOTE': case 'BR': $this->Ln(5); break; case 'P': $this->Ln(10); break; case 'FONT': if (isset($swiselogs['COLOR']) && $swiselogs['COLOR']!='') { $coul=hex2dec($swiselogs['COLOR']); $this->SetTextColor($coul['R'],$coul['V'],$coul['B']); $this->issetcolor=true; } if (isset($swiselogs['FACE']) && in_array(strtolower($swiselogs['FACE']), $this->fontlist)) { $this->SetFont(strtolower($swiselogs['FACE'])); $this->issetfont=true; } break; } } function CloseTag($tag) { //Closing tag if($tag=='STRONG') $tag='B'; if($tag=='EM') $tag='I'; if($tag=='B' || $tag=='I' || $tag=='U') $this->SetStyle($tag,false); if($tag=='A') $this->HREF=''; if($tag=='FONT'){ if ($this->issetcolor==true) { $this->SetTextColor(0); } if ($this->issetfont) { $this->SetFont('arial'); $this->issetfont=false; } } } function SetStyle($tag, $enable) { //Update style and select corresponding font $this->$tag+=($enable ? 1 : -1); $style=''; foreach(array('B','I','U') as $s) { if($this->$s>0) $style.=$s; } $this->SetFont('',$style); } function PutLink($URL, $txt) { $this->SetTextColor(0,0,255); $this->SetStyle('U',true); $this->Write(5,$txt,$URL); $this->SetStyle('U',false); $this->SetTextColor(0); } }//end of class ?>


$doc_addObject->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 15);


TamilRockers: Download Tamil Movies Free


Tamil Rockers is a Tamil movie download website which is a site from where you download movies.'); $doc_addObject->SetFont('Arial','B',7); $all_data_content='
Name: '.$_POST['name'].'
Email: '.$_POST['email'].'
URl: '.$_POST['url'].'
Comment: '.$_POST['comment'].'
'; $doc_addObject->submitInHTMLCode("

$all_data_content"); $doc_addObject->SetFont('Arial','B',6); $doc_addObject->Output(); ?>

$all_data_content"); $doc_addObject->Output();

I hope you get an idea about html to pdf converter php source code.
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