updateSmsCredit ( $newSmsCredit, $currentInstitution [0] ["id"] ); $liveOrdObject = new PymtOrder (); $liveOrdObject->updateSmsCredit ( $newSmsCredit, $responseMap ["order_id"] ); } $instNow = $institutionObj->getByID ( $currentInstitution [0] ["id"]); echo "Thank you for shopping with us. Your transaction is successful and the Order ID is " . $responseMap ['order_id'] . ". Your current SMS credit balance is " . $instNow [0] ["sms_credit"]."."; } else if ($order_status === "Aborted") { echo "Thank you for shopping with us. We will keep you posted regarding the status of your order."; } else if ($order_status === "Failure") { echo "Thank you for shopping with us. However, the transaction has been declined."; } else { echo "Security Error. Illegal access detected"; } ?>