Today, We want to share with you stripe payment gateway integration in php.In this post we will show you stripe custom checkout example php, hear for Payment gateway integration in PHP With Database Connection we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about CodeIgniter Stripe Payment Gateway Api Integration with an example.
Payment gateway integration tutorial for developers
So let’s start coding. As we will cover this tutorial with live demo to to integrate Stripe payment gateway in PHP, so the file structure for this example is following.
File structure for stripe payment gateway integration in PHP
stripe -|ajax-endpoint |-create-checkout-session.php -|lib -|Service -|vendor -|webhook-ep -|cancel.php -|index.php -|init.php -|succes.php
Checkout Best reference suitable for beginners to experts.
$20 / month
Payment Response - Sorry. Your subscription request is not completed.
If you want to subscribe with us please try again.
If you finding any difficulty in completing the subscription flow, contact the support.
createProduct(); $planId = $stripeService->createPlan($product->id); if(!empty($planId)) { echo "Product pricing plan is created and the plan id id is: "; print_r($planId); } ?>
Payment Response Thank you for subscribing with us.
You have subscribed for our "" service's monthly plan.
You have been notified about the status of your subscription shortly.
plan_id; $session = $stripeService->createCheckoutSession($planId); echo json_encode($session); ?>
link = $this->getConnection(); } public function getConnection() { $link = new \mysqli(self::HOST, self::USERNAME, self::PASSWORD, self::DATABASENAME); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { trigger_error("Problem with connecting to database."); } $link->set_charset("utf8"); return $link; } public function select($query, $argumentType = "", $argumentArray = array()) { $sqlQQ = $this->link->prepare($query); if (! empty($argumentType) && ! empty($argumentArray)) { $this->bindQueryParams($sqlQQ, $argumentType, $argumentArray); } $sqlQQ->execute(); $result = $sqlQQ->get_result(); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $resultset[] = $row; } } if (! empty($resultset)) { return $resultset; } } public function insert($query, $argumentType, $argumentArray) { $sqlQQ = $this->link->prepare($query); $this->bindQueryParams($sqlQQ, $argumentType, $argumentArray); $sqlQQ->execute(); $insertId = $sqlQQ->insert_id; return $insertId; } public function execute($query, $argumentType = "", $argumentArray = array()) { $sqlQQ = $this->link->prepare($query); if (! empty($argumentType) && ! empty($argumentArray)) { $this->bindQueryParams($sqlQQ, $argumentType, $argumentArray); } $sqlQQ->execute(); } public function bindQueryParams($sqlQQ, $argumentType, $argumentArray = array()) { $argumentValueReference[] = & $argumentType; for ($i = 0; $i < count($argumentArray); $i ++) { $argumentValueReference[] = & $argumentArray[$i]; } call_user_func_array(array( $sqlQQ, 'bind_argument' ), $argumentValueReference); } public function getRecordCount($query, $argumentType = "", $argumentArray = array()) { $sqlQQ = $this->link->prepare($query); if (! empty($argumentType) && ! empty($argumentArray)) { $this->bindQueryParams($sqlQQ, $argumentType, $argumentArray); } $sqlQQ->execute(); $sqlQQ->store_result(); $recordCount = $sqlQQ->num_rows; return $recordCount; } }
ds = new MainController(); } public function insertCustomer($customer) { $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO tbl_customer(customer_id, email) VALUES (?, ?) "; $argumentValue = array( $customer["customer_id"], $customer["customer_email"], ); $argumentType = "ss"; $this->ds->insert($insertQuery, $argumentType, $argumentValue); } public function insertSubscription($subscription) { $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO tbl_subscription(subscription_id, customer_id, subscription_plan, subscription_interval, current_period_start, current_period_end, subscription_status, subscription_created_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "; $argumentValue = array( $subscription["id"], $subscription["customer_id"], $subscription["subscription_plan"], $subscription["subscription_interval"], $subscription["current_period_start"], $subscription["current_period_end"], $subscription["subscription_status"], $subscription["subscription_created_date"], ); $argumentType = "ssssssss"; $this->ds->insert($insertQuery, $argumentType, $argumentValue); } public function insertInvoice($invoice) { $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO tbl_invoice(invoice_number, subscription_id, invoice_id, customer_id, billing_email, currency, invoice_status, invoice_created_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "; $argumentValue = array( $invoice["invoice_number"], $invoice["subscription"], $invoice["id"], $invoice["customer_id"], $invoice["billing_email"], $invoice["currency"], $invoice["invoice_status"], $invoice["invoice_created_date"], ); $argumentType = "ssssssss"; $inserId = $this->ds->insert($insertQuery, $argumentType, $argumentValue); if(!empty($inserId)) { $this->insertInvoiceItem($invoice["invoice_items"], $inserId); } } public function insertInvoiceItem($invoiceItem, $invoiceMasterId) { $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO tbl_invoice_items(invoice_master_id, description, quantity, amount, currency) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) "; $argumentValue = array( $invoiceMasterId, $invoiceItem[0]["description"], $invoiceItem[0]["quantity"], $invoiceItem[0]["amount"], $invoiceItem[0]["currency"] ); $argumentType = "issss"; $this->ds->insert($insertQuery, $argumentType, $argumentValue); } public function updateInvoice($invoice) { $query = "UPDATE tbl_invoice SET invoice_finalized_date = ?, invoice_status = ? WHERE invoice_id = ?"; $argumentValue = array( $invoice["invoice_finalized_date"], $invoice["invoice_status"], $invoice["id"] ); $argumentType = "sss"; $this->ds->execute($query, $argumentType, $argumentValue); } public function updateInvoiceStatus($invoice) { $query = "UPDATE tbl_invoice SET invoice_status = ? WHERE invoice_id = ?"; $argumentValue = array( $invoice["invoice_status"], $invoice["id"] ); $argumentType = "ss"; $this->ds->execute($query, $argumentType, $argumentValue); } public function updateSubscription($subscription) { $query = "UPDATE tbl_subscription SET subscription_status = ? WHERE subscription_id = ?"; $argumentValue = array( $subscription["subscription_status"], $subscription["id"] ); $argumentType = "ss"; $this->ds->execute($query, $argumentType, $argumentValue); } } ?>
stripeClient::PRODUCT_NAME, 'type' => stripeClient::PRODUCT_TYPE, ]); return $product; } public function createPlan() { $plan = \Stripe\Plan::create([ 'amount' => 1500, 'currency' => 'usd', 'interval' => 'month', 'product' => ['name' => stripeClient::PRODUCT_NAME], ]); return $plan; } public function createCheckoutSession($planId) { $session = \Stripe\Checkout\Session::create([ 'payment_method_types' => ['card'], 'subscription_data' => [ 'items' => [[ 'plan' => $planId, ]], ], //'success_url' => 'http://localhost/stripe/{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}', 'success_url' => 'http://localhost/stripe/success.php?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}', 'cancel_url' => 'http://localhost/stripe/cancel.php', //'cancel_url' => '', ]); return $session; } public function getStripeResponse() { $body = @file_get_contents('php://input'); $event_json = json_decode($body); return $event_json; } } ?>
getStripeResponse(); $stripePayment = new StripePayment(); if(!empty($response)) { switch($response->type) { case "invoice.payment_succeeded": $argument["id"] = $response->data->object->id; $argument["invoice_status"] = $response->data->object->status; $stripePayment->updateInvoiceStatus($argument); break; case "invoice.payment_failed": $argument["id"] = $response->data->object->id; $argument["invoice_status"] = $response->data->object->status; $stripePayment->updateInvoiceStatus($argument); break; case "customer.created": $argument = array(); $argument["customer_id"] = $response->data->object->id; $argument["customer_email"] = $response->data->object->email; $stripePayment->insertCustomer($argument); break; case "customer.subscription.created": $argument = array(); $argument["id"] = $response->data->object->id; $argument["customer_id"] = $response->data->object->customer; $argument["subscription_plan"] = $response->data->object->plan->id; $argument["subscription_interval"] = $response->data->object->plan->interval_count . " " .$response->data->object->plan->interval; $argument["subscription_status"] = $response->data->object->status; $argument["current_period_start"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $response->data->object->current_period_start); $argument["current_period_end"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $response->data->object->current_period_end); $argument["subscription_created_date"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $response->data->object->created); $stripePayment->insertSubscription($argument); break; case "customer.subscription.updated": $argument = array(); $argument["id"] = $response->data->object->id; $argument["subscription_status"] = $response->data->object->status; $stripePayment->updateSubscription($argument); break; case "invoice.created": $argument = array(); $argument["id"] = $response->data->object->id; $argument["subscription_id"] = $response->data->object->subscription; $argument["invoice_number"] = $response->data->object->number; $argument["customer_id"] = $response->data->object->customer; $argument["billing_email"] = $response->data->object->customer_email; $argument["currency"] = $response->data->object->currency; $argument["invoice_status"] = $response->data->object->status; $argument["invoice_created_date"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $response->data->object->created); $i = 0; foreach($response->data->object->lines->data as $data) { $argument["invoice_items"][$i]["amount"] = $data->amount; $argument["invoice_items"][$i]["currency"] = $data->currency; $argument["invoice_items"][$i]["quantity"] = $data->quantity; $argument["invoice_items"][$i]["description"] = $data->description; $i++; } $stripePayment->insertInvoice($argument); break; case "invoice.finalized": $argument["id"] = $response->data->object->id; $argument["invoice_finalized_date"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $response->data->object->finalized_at); $argument["invoice_status"] = $response->data->object->status; $stripePayment->updateInvoice($argument); break; } } ?>
body { font-family: Arial; font-size: 0.9em; color: #232323; } #subscribe { background: #80c26c; border: #529b3c 1px solid; padding: 8px 30px; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 1em; width: 100%; } .product-plan-tile { width: 330px; border: #d0d0d0 1px solid; padding: 40px; text-align: center; border-radius: 2px; margin: 40px auto; } .product-plan-tile h2 { padding: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px; } .plan-pricing { padding: 15px 0px 28px; font-size: 1.2em; } .subscription-response { max-width: 700px; margin: 100px auto; text-align: center; }
var createCheckoutSession = function(planId) { var plan = { plan_id: planId }; var data = new FormData(); data.append( "plan", JSON.stringify( plan ) ); return fetch("ajax-endpoint/create-checkout-session.php", { method: "POST", body: data }).then(function(result) { console.log(result); return result.json(); }); }; // Handle any errors returned from Checkout var handleResult = function(result) { if (result.error) { var displayError = document.getElementById("error-message"); displayError.textContent = result.error.message; } };
I hope you get an idea about stripe v3 php example.
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