Today, We want to share with you how to pass value from one page to another in php?.In this post we will show you php passing data between pages, hear for how to pass variable from one page to another php using header we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about Laravel Views Share Variable Multiple To Controller with an example.
How to pass form variables from one page to other page in PHP ?
here i learn to pass value from one page to another page using Session, HTML Form, using Cookie, Using GET, POST or COOKIE or Form.
PHP Pass variable to next page
Example 1: using Session:
//On ProfilePage $_SESSION['field_name'] = $data_result; //On thankyoupage $data_result = $_SESSION['field_name'];
Example 2: using Cookie:
//One ProfilePage $_COOKIE['field_name'] = $data_result; //On thankyoupage $data_result = $_COOKIE['field_name'];
using GET and POST
Example 3:
//add the variable in the link to the next page: Thankyou Page //include a hidden field in a form
on page two:
//Using GET $data_result = $_GET['field_name']; //Using POST $data_result = $_POST['field_name']; //Using GET, POST or COOKIE. $data_result = $_REQUEST['field_name'];
I hope you get an idea about how to pass id from one page to another in php.
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