remove last character from string javascript

Today, We want to share with you remove last character from string javascript.In this post we will show you javascript string slice, hear for Delete first character from string javascript we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about Delete Lasts Character From String JQuery with an example.

javascript remove last character

There are the Following The simple About javascript Delete last character if comma Full Information With Example and source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop get lasts character from string javascript, so the string Delete lasts 4 characters javascript is used for this example (substr javascript,slice js,splice string) is following below.

javascript remove last character
javascript remove last character

There are the following the Latest Few Methods to Remove Last Character from String in JavaScript

Question: How do I remove last character from a string in JavaScript or jQuery or Node.js script?

This Articles describes Some methods to remove remove portion of a string after certain character in JavaScript programming language. You can use any one of the following Way as per the needed.

There are supported some ways to do that in JS using the




, or



Method 1 – substring function

Use the JavaScript substring() function to remove the last character from a string in JavaScript. with the using javascript trim string functions to string slice. This function String returns the part of the string between the start part as well as end indexes, or to the end of the string.


str.substring(0, str.length - 1);


var user_string= "Welcome To!";
var outputFreshResults = user_string.substring(0, user_string.length - 1);

Method 2 – slice function

Use the javascript string slice function to remove the last character from your user based any string in JavaScript. This function simple check count and then extracts a part of any user string as well as simple return as fresh string. When We can set in a JavaScript Based variable.


str.slice(0, -1);


var user_string = "Hello Welcome To!";
var outputFreshResults = user_string.slice(0, -1);


var user_string = 'Google Merchent Center';
var outputFreshResults = user_string.substring(0, user_string.length-1);

javascript remove last character if equal to string

string = string.replace(/\/$/, "");

simple $ marks the end of a Data string. \/ is a RegExp-escaped /. Combining both = Replace the / at the end of a string Data line.

JavaScript String slice() method

Simple All the Example of the javascript string slice

//Example 1
var user_string = "Welcome Pakainfo";
var outputFreshResults = user_string.slice(0, 5);

//Example 2
var user_string = "Welcome Pakainfo";
var outputFreshResults = user_string.slice(0);

//Example 3
var user_string = "Welcome Pakainfo";
var outputFreshResults = user_string.slice(3);

//Example 4
var user_string = "Welcome Pakainfo";
var outputFreshResults = user_string.slice(3, 8);

//Example 5
var user_string = "Welcome Pakainfo";
var outputFreshResults = user_string.slice(0, 1);

//Example 6
var user_string = "Welcome Pakainfo";
var outputFreshResults = user_string.slice(-1);

Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo

Read :


You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.

I hope you get an idea about javascript Delete End of the character if comma.
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