jQuery Difference between internal and external script
Today, We want to share with you jQuery Difference between internal and external script.
In this post we will show you jQuery Difference between internal and external script, hear for jQuery Difference between internal and external script we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about jQuery Difference between internal and external script with an example.
The rule is simple: According to me,All The js-script should be external file used. Both for maintenance mode and performance mode.
Internal scripting :
- Are loaded in the same page means itself so is not necessary to trigger another page request.
- Are executed or run mode immediately and fast.
- The async data and defer data attributes have no effect
- It Can be helpful when you are using a server-side script dynamic rendering.
Internal scripting(itself) means writing mode to some the script functions available in the same HTML tag/page or Same PAGE itself.
internal vs external javascript : pakainfo.com www.pakainfo.com