jQuery Mobile Based Slide Swipeable Side Menu
Today, We want to share with you jQuery Mobile Based Slide Swipeable Side Menu.
In this post we will show you Responsive Mobile Menu in Bootstrap, hear for Touch Swipeable Sidebar Menu with jQuery we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Simple jQuery and jQuery Mobile Based Slide Menu Plugin with an example.
A mobile friendly side-bar menu off-canvas side navigation custom built with used to jQuery and CSS that allows we to reveal and hide toggle the side menu effective with touch swipe events generates using jQuery touchSwipe plugin created.
How to use it: Steps By Steps
Step 1. Simple Create a side menu for your web-apps page.
Step 2.Simple Create a hamburger toggle using jQuery which allows the visitor show and hide or to open / close the side navigation menu by clicking.
Step 3.Simple Create an empty element here for the swipe area.
Step 4.Then wrap content them with your main site display content into a container data. and then The full markup structure data should be like this:
Creating Swipeable Side Menu For the Web
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Step 4.The core simple CSS data styles and CSS3 styles.
Step 6. Include The jQuery library and jQuery touchSwipe plugin in the web-application page.
Step 7.Here Enable the swipeable Include jQuery in side menu.
We hope you get an idea about jQuery Mobile Based Slide Swipeable Side Menu
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