jquery Multiple step form validation

jquery Multiple step form validation

Today, We want to share with you jquery Multiple step form validation.
In this post we will show you jQuery Form Validation Tutorial, hear for Quick & Easy Form Validation Tutorial with JQuery we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about Multiple step form with jQuery validation with an example.


All HTML Form elements Checks whether the selected form is valid dat or whether all selected elements are valid or not.

The basic principle of this validation is to specify success message ,validation rules and error messages for HTML(form tags) elements in JavaScript with jquery.

There square measure scores of ways that to perform validation on your hypertext mark-up language forms however nothing is simpler than exploitation jQuery’s validation plug-in. I’ll take you thru alittle tutorial to assist you perceive the way to create it work. Let’s take a glance at what you’ll do and the way you’ll customise the inbuilt validation.

Of course as perpetually make certain you reference the most website here beside all the offered validation strategies found here. There also are some sensible tutorials like this one and particularly this one, however I wished to require the layman’s approach right from the start. Let’s come in details of what’s required employing a easy hypertext mark-up language kind example.

HTML-Form Validation with PHP

The HTML Form

HTML-Text Fields

The userlastname,First name, re_address, and emailaddress fields are text input elements and can be coded like this:

Write Name :
Write Address :
Write Email :

HTML-Radio Buttons

//More than 2

HTML-Select List




//select check = yes
//select check = yes
//select check = yes
//select check = yes

Form Submit Button

//Button submit

The Form Element POST / GET Method

There are two must used specific attributes used: action and method

... ...... //Form html elements here... ....... ........

Retrive the Form Contents using PHP

//Button submit

// check php condition
if (isset($_GET["submit_form_salesorder"])) {
	//if success....to execute this code
    // get all parameters in process the form contents...
	///execute your logic.....



Sales Order Form Information


Attention Name

write Email(verify) Address

write Strong_Password


jquery multi step form with validation and next previous navigation

Creating a multi-step form with validation and next/previous navigation using jQuery involves the following steps:

HTML: Create an HTML form with multiple sections, each containing the form fields for a single step. For example:

CSS: Use CSS to hide all but the first step of the form, and to style the next/previous buttons as needed.

.step-section {
  display: none;
#step-1 {
  display: block;
.next-button {
  float: right;
.prev-button {
  float: left;

JavaScript: Use jQuery to handle the next/previous button clicks, and to validate the form fields for each step. For example:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var current_step = 1;
  var steps = $('.step-section').length;

  $('.next-button').click(function() {
    if (validateStep(current_step)) {
      $('#step-' + current_step).hide();
      $('#step-' + current_step).show();

  $('.prev-button').click(function() {
    $('#step-' + current_step).hide();
    $('#step-' + current_step).show();

  function validateStep(step) {
    var is_valid = true;
    $('#step-' + step + ' input').each(function() {
      if ($(this).val() == '') {
        is_valid = false;
      } else {
    return is_valid;

  $('#multi-step-form').submit(function() {
    if (validateStep(current_step)) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

In the above code, we first set the current_step variable to 1, and the steps variable to the total number of steps in the form.

We then use jQuery to handle the click events of the next/previous buttons. When the user clicks the next button, we first validate the fields in the current step using the validateStep() function. If the fields are valid, we hide the current step section, increment the current_step variable, and show the next step section. If the user clicks the previous button, we hide the current step section, decrement the current_step variable, and show the previous step section.

The validateStep() function checks the form fields for the given step and adds the error class to any fields that are empty.

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