Laravel provides 2 built-in Debugging techniques dd() and dump() for debugging. You can print these Debugging techniques on all the data collection instances. You can more read additional main official documentation for use a dump() and dd() Debugging techniques.
dd stands for dump and die
In this article show you latest new Laravel versions, when I debug all the data collections then i store a simple variable to a data collection then object, array or any type of all the data print or dumping the main variable as i changed the more data collection example.
In Laravel, there are several functions that can be used for debugging purposes, including dd(), dump(), var_dump(), and print_r(). Here’s an overview of each function:
Echoing: dd() vs var_dump() vs print_r()
One of the most used way of debugging in PHP still remainder the equal – PHP print variables in the any Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera browser, with confirm to get what the Exception error is. last query in laravel has a each short php custom helper function for print main variables – dd() – means for “Dump and Die”, So this is a not always suitable. What are other options?
What is the use of dd() in Laravel?
It is a PHP user define helper function which is help to dump print a main variable’s data contents to the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera browser as well as stop the more script run or execution. this means for Dump and Die.
dd() – Stands for “Dump and Die”. This function is used to dump a variable or an expression and immediately exit the script. It prints the variable or expression and its data type in a well-formatted manner. dd() is a convenient way to inspect the content of a variable and is commonly used for debugging. For example: dd($variable)
Laravel Debugging With Dump And dd Functions
Step by Step, what is the issue with dd()? as well as, let’s say i want to fetch all database records from DB table as well as dump or print showing them: last query in laravel
$mp4moviez = MovieList::all(); dd($mp4moviez);
Method dd() and dump()
$mp4moviez = Movie::where('status','published')->get(); dd($mp4moviez);
dump() – The dump() function is similar to dd() but it doesn’t stop the script execution. Instead, it prints the variable or expression in a less-formatted manner. This function is also commonly used for debugging. For example: dump($variable)
Laravel dd And Dump Debugging techniques
i can read for dd() or dump() directly on a data collection instance. These Debugging techniques are making step by step get results or any types of the Error Exception a lot simple way. For example: accroding to me had a data collection of mp4moviez which went through a packages of transformations as well as i wanted to inspect elements the data collection at each step, then this will do:
$mp4moviez = Movie::all(); $mp4moviez->dump() ->sortBy('updated_at') ->dump() ->take(20) ->pluck('mp4moviez_title') ->dd() // there Laravel dd will dump print all the response and stops the run time execuation. ->take(1);
Difference between dd() and dump()
Both Debugging techniques help for laravel source code debugging step by step. But having simple 1 type of the main difference. dump() response the results as well as then continues processing. the laravel dd() response the results as well as stops the step by step process immediately (dd stands for dump and die).
Using dd in PHP
function dd($mp4moviez){ echo ''; die(var_dump($mp4moviez)); echo '';
}Using Laravel’s dd (dump and die) function in PHP
I have make a new custom Helper user define dd function, and wrapped the using html
var_dump around pre tags therefor that it gives out a user readable json formatting in the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Opera browser and a more user readable dump.
'; die(var_dump($mp4moviez)); echo '‘;
}$prices = array( ‘litanswers’=>800, ‘Tamilrokers’=>45, ‘Mobiles’=>6 );
echo “
Welcome to mp4moviez”;
var_dump() and die()
var_dump() – This is a built-in PHP function that is used to dump a variable or expression and print its data type, size, and value. It is similar to dd() but does not include any formatting. It is useful for debugging and inspecting complex data structures.
For example: var_dump($variable)
Good old PHP way of displaying the more data of any type:
$mp4moviez = MovieList::all(); var_dump($mp4moviez); die();Not simply readable format, is it? The great tips and tricks here is to View all the Source code in browser, in case of Chrome/Windows this is a short key like as a CTRL+U:
farther More PHP predefine function like as a
print_r()has a appropriate all the description for us: here more print def like as “Prints human-readable information about a variable”
Therefor if you do this:
$mp4moviez = MovieList::all(); print_r($mp4moviez); die();print_r() – This is a built-in PHP function that is used to print a variable or expression in a human-readable form. It is similar to var_dump() but it only prints the values of the variable or expression without the data type and size information. It is useful for debugging and inspecting simple data structures.
For example: print_r($variable)
And Last you can read the all the Data contents simply and try to investigate the debug error.
furthermore, print_r() function has farther optional parameter with boolean data like as a true/false values – you can not only echo the variable, but return output it as string into farther variable. Then you can integrate different variables into single as well as maybe write a log it laravel project any where, for example.
Therefor, in phase such this, dd() is not that appropriate – PHP native functions to the rescue. But if you want the source code to literally “dump single simple variable and die” – after that dd($var) is likely the fastest to type.
Overall, dd() and dump() are commonly used in Laravel for debugging purposes because they provide more information than var_dump() and print_r() and are more convenient than using var_dump() or print_r() and then manually searching through the output.