Laravel Eloquent Where Query Tutorial With Examples

laravel eloquent where eloquent model that allows the interaction with a database. here you can learn to Laravel Eloquent Tips and Tricks.

laravel eloquent where – Tips and Tricks

Eloquent: find() and multiple where() OR clause. usage laravel Example. It is an MVC based PHP framework.



SQL Query

select * from `products` where `is_active` = 1

Example 1:

where("is_active", "=", 1)

Don’t miss : Laravel Eloquent Query Where Exists MySQL

Example 2: without Pass Operator in Laravel

where("is_active", 1)

Example 3: Multiple Where Condition in Laravel 8

                            ["status", "=", 1],
                            ["email", "=", "[email protected]"]

There are the Following The simple About AND-OR-AND + brackets with Laravel Eloquent Multiple WHERE Clauses and source code.

Example 4:

where("likes", ">", 145)
        $products2 = Product::select("*")
                        ->where("likes", "<=", 5265)
        $products3 = Product::select("*")
                        ->where("name", "like", "ipho%")

I hope you get an idea about laravel eloquent where.
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