laravel get current url – How to Get Current URL and Site URL in Laravel?

laravel get current url using URL::current(), URL::to(“/”), url(‘/’), Route::current()->getName() and Request::route()->getPrefix() Examples

laravel get current url

Accessing The Current URL You can use: Request::url() to obtain the current URL. Client side You can use url() helper in laravel blade url()->current().

Current URL in Laravel

$exampleTestURI = URL::current();

SIte URL in Laravel

$exampleTestURI = URL::to("/");

or use

$exampleTestURI = url('/');

Get current route name in laravel

$route = Route::current()->getName();

Don’t Miss : Laravel 5.7 Get Current Page URL Path

Get current route prefix name in laravel

$prefix = Request::route()->getPrefix() Examples;

I hope you get an idea about laravel get current url.
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