Laravel Group By with Max Value Query 3 Example

Laravel Group By with Max Value Query you need help in getting the max id of a table that is grouped by member_id in laravel.

Laravel Group By with Max Value Query

The query builder also provides a variety of methods for retrieving aggregate values like count , max , min , avg , and sum .

Example 1: Laravel Group By with Max ID

 * Write code on Method
 * Devloped By
 * @return response()
public function index()
    $records = MemberSalary::select('id', 'member_id', DB::raw('MAX(id) as max_id'))
                            ->where('is_reward', 1)

Don’t miss : do not run composer as root/super user! see for details

Example 2: Laravel Group By with Max Date

Laravel Group By with Max Value Query

 * Write code on Method
 * Devloped By
 * @return response()
public function index()
    $records = MemberSalary::select('id', 'member_id', DB::raw('MAX(reward_date) as max_reward_date'))
                            ->where('is_reward', 1)

Example 3: Laravel Group By with Max Value

 * Write code on Method
 * Devloped By
 * @return response()
public function index()
    $records = MemberSalary::select('id', 'member_id', DB::raw('MAX(rank) as max_rank'))
                            ->where('is_reward', 1)

I hope you get an idea about laravel groupby.
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