Learn Angular 5 from Scratch – angular 5 Tutorial
In this Post We Will Explain About is Learn Angular 5 from Scratch – angular 5 Tutorial With Example and Demo.Welcome on Pakainfo.com – Examples, The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to Whats new in Angular 5 – Features and Improvements Example
In this post we will show you Best way to implement Angular 5 application development with Bootstrap 5 and TypeScript , hear for Creating Your First Angular 5 Application with Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.
Learn Angular 5 from Scratch
here in angular 5, The angular 4 is way too smaller and faster than the previous ones.Angular Universal as well as Angular-CLI became an integral part of the angular 5 official Angular project.The new HTML view engine some introduced in Angular 4 reduced the size of the generated code for angular 5 components by around 60%.
Another big change angular 5 was the new Animation package support angular 5. They moved the source code of the animations angular 5 from the @angular/core package to angular 5 @angular/platform-browser/animations all the dynamically and user friendly to optimize the application angular 5 bundle size.
And who would some forget, angular 5 the introduction of the simple angular 5 ngIf else syntax and the improved simple angular ngFor directive.angular 5 Full support for Like as a TypeScript 2.1 and 2.2.https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
List of the angular 5 Features
- simple angular 5 compiler: add some simple representation of data placeholders to Like as a xliff & xmb
- most of the angular 5 forms: add options arg to Like as a abstract controls
- easy way to angular 5 router: add events HTML tracking Like as a activation of individual routes
more angular 5 Performance Improvements
- first of all Angular 5 Improved Tree Shaking
- second futures Angular 5 core: use native data addEventListener for simple faster rendering.
- third one Angular 5 Reduced simple data bundle sizes
- and then Angular 5 Compiler and build easy way to live improvements
- last one is Angular 5 AOT compilation simple or easy as default
List of the below Angular 5 Changes
1. first angular 5 Make AOT the data default
2. and then angular 5 Watch mode
3. after that angular 5 Type checking in html templates
4. and then angular 5 More flexible some seo metadata
5. now angular 5 Remove *.ngfactory.ts live data files
6. after angular 5 Better error some messages
7. and angular 5 Smooth some upgrades
8. simple angular 5 Tree-Shakeable components
9. latest angular 5 Hybrid Upgrade your web-Application
10. more angular 5 And so on some Features…
angular 5 Router Life Cycle Events – Angular v5
Added simple new router life cycle events and then for Guards and data Resolvers some futers –
1. angular 5 GuardsCheckStart,
2. angular 5 GuardsCheckEnd,
3. angular 5 ResolveStart and
4. angular 5 ResolveEnd
angular 5 Example: angular 5 Before:
[ MyClass, {provide: firstClass, useClass: subfirstclass} ]
angular 5 After
[ {provide: MyClass, deps: [Dep1,...]}, {provide: firstClass, useClass: subfirstclass, deps: [Dep1,...]} ]
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Angular Example
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