mysql get year from date – 5 ways to Get the Year from a Datetime Column in MySQL

mysql get year from date : Use the YEAR() function to retrieve the year value from a date/datetime/timestamp column in MySQL. YEAR() function in MySQL is used to find year from the given date.

mysql get year from date

MySQL YEAR() returns the year for a given date. The return value is in the range of 1000 to 9999 or 0 for ‘zero’ date.

How to Get the Year from a Datetime Column in MySQL?

SELECT name,
         AS  year_of_conference
FROM conference;

mysql query date year

SELECT book_name,join_dt,YEAR(join_dt)
FROM book_mast
WHERE YEAR(join_dt)>2003;

Don’t Miss : Laravel Get Last 7 Days Month Year Record From MySQL

By using EXTRACT() function

mysql> Select EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH From estb) from MembersInformation;
|                        212105 |
|                        203010 |
|                        202209 |
|                        201407 |
|                        202507 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

By using DATE_FORMAT() function

mysql> Select DATE_FORMAT(estb, '%Y %m') from MembersInformation;
| DATE_FORMAT(estb, '%Y %m') |
| 2021 05                    |
| 2022 10                    |
| 2023 09                    |
| 2030 07                    |
| 2021 07                    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> Select DATE_FORMAT(estb, '%Y') from MembersInformation;
| DATE_FORMAT(estb, '%Y') |
| 2021                    |
| 2022                    |
| 2023                    |
| 2030                    |
| 2021                    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> Select DATE_FORMAT(estb, '%m') from MembersInformation;
| DATE_FORMAT(estb, '%m') |
| 02                      |
| 11                      |
| 12                      |
| 04                      |
| 03                      |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> Select DATE_FORMAT(estb, '%M') from MembersInformation;
| DATE_FORMAT(estb, '%M') |
| May                     |
| October                 |
| September               |
| July                    |
| July                    |
5 rows in set (0.10 sec)

By using two different functions, YEAR() and MONTH()

mysql> Select YEAR(estb) AS 'Year', MONTH(estb) As 'MONTH' From collegedetail;
| Year | MONTH |
| 2021 |     5 |
| 2022 |    10 |
| 2025 |     9 |
| 2028 |     7 |
| 2021 |     7 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    DATE_FORMAT(date_registered, '%M, %y') AS year_month_registered, 
    COUNT(*) AS num_registered
FROM `members`
GROUP BY year_month_registered

I hope you get an idea about mysql get year from date.
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