mysql select multiple columns with Best 5 Example

mysql select multiple columns : Good Luck! Now you know how to select single columns. How to select multiple or particular column from Mysql table?

mysql select multiple columns

For example : select multiple columns mysql, this query selects 2 columns, member_name and join_date, from the members table:

SELECT member_name, join_date
FROM members;

mysql select all columns and specific fields as

SELECT companyInfo.*, column20 AS Members, column11 FROM companyInfo
-- OR
SELECT column11, column20 AS Members, companyInfo.* FROM companyInfo

how to select multiple columns from different tables in mysql?

-- MySQL 
-- t1 = table1
-- mn5 = column of table
SELECT t1.mn5, t2.dt4, t2.dt5, t2.dt3 #get dt3 data from table2
FROM table1 t1, table2 t2 -- Doesn't need to have t1, or t2
WHERE t1.mn5 = 'jamk' AND t2.dt4 = 'dhara' AND t2.dt5 = 898

mysql query select more columns

mysql> SELECT name, join_date FROM members;
| name     | join_date  |
| Vishal   | 2021-02-04 |
| Dhaar    | 2022-03-17 |
| Reema    | 2020-05-13 |
| Ravi     | 2021-08-27 |
| Krishn   | 2015-08-31 |
| Chirpy   | 2018-09-11 |
| Hanumanj | 2005-12-09 |
| Dave     | 2004-04-29 |
| Fourtsnd | 2003-03-30 |

Don’t Miss : MySQL Group By Multiple Columns

SQL SELECT with DISTINCT on multiple columns

mysql select multiple columns Examples

Sample SELECT statement

SELECT product_code, product_price, gst_no, product_no
FROM fruits 
WHERE product_code='P0054';

SELECT with DISTINCT on two columns

SELECT DISTINCT product_code,product_price
FROM fruits 
WHERE product_code='P0054';

SELECT with DISTINCT on three columns

SELECT DISTINCT product_code, product_price,gst_no
FROM fruits 
WHERE product_code='P0054';

SELECT with DISTINCT on all columns of the first query

SELECT DISTINCT product_code,product_price,gst_no,product_no  
FROM fruits 
WHERE product_code='P0054';

SELECT with DISTINCT on multiple columns and ORDER BY clause

SELECT DISTINCT product_code,product_price
FROM fruits 
WHERE product_code='P0054' 
ORDER BY product_price;

COUNT() function and SELECT with DISTINCT on multiple columns

SELECT  DISTINCT product_code, product_price,gst_no
FROM fruits 
WHERE product_code='P0054');

Don’t Miss : use distinct in sql

Selecting multiple columns/fields in MySQL subquery

SELECT  DATE_FORMAT(fruitDate,'%M %Y') AS fruitMonth, COUNT(fruitID) AS Totalfruits, SUM(fruitTotal) AS TotalAmount,  Z.fruitMemberFK, Z.MemberName, z.fruitTotal as MemberTotal   
  FROM fruits     
  INNER JOIN (SELECT DATE_FORMAT(fruitDate,'%M %Y') as Mon, fruitMemberFK, MemberName, SUM(fruitTotal) as fruitTotal 
                FROM fruits 
               GROUP BY  DATE_FORMAT(fruitDate,'%M %Y'), fruitMemberFK, MemberName ORDER BY SUM(fruitTotal) DESC LIMIT 1) Z
          ON Z.Mon = DATE_FORMAT(fruitDate,'%M %Y')
    GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(fruitDate,'%m%y'), Z.fruitMemberFK, Z.MemberName
    ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(fruitDate,'%y%m') DESC

I hope you get an idea about mysql select multiple columns.
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