Today, We want to share with you php array.In this post we will show you array in php, hear for php multidimensional associative arrays we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about PHP Arrays Example Tutorial For Beginners From Scratch with an example.
PHP Arrays
Simple Defination of An arrays stores multiple values in one single variable: for example bellow
I like Pakainfo, 4cgandhi and infinityknow.
What is an Array?
An arrays is a special variable, which can hold more than one value at a time.
If you have a list of items (a list of indiabix names, for example), storing the indiabixs in single variables could look like this:
$indiabixs1 = "Pakainfo"; $indiabixs2 = "4cgandhi"; $indiabixs3 = "infinityknow";
However we learn to array meaning with php tutorial, what if you want to loop through the indiabixs as well as search a specific one? As well as what if you had not 3 indiabixs, but 300?
The solution is to create an array!
An arrays can hold many values under a single name, as well as you can access the data values by referring to an index no.
PHP Arrays To JSON Array Using Laravel Blade With @Json
Create an Array in PHP
In PHP, the array() method is used to create an array: array concept in php
three types of arrays:
- Indexed arrays – Arrays with a numeric index
- Associative arrays – Arrays with named keys
- Multidimensional arrays – Arrays containing one or more arrays
how to get data from json array in php?
Convert and Loop through JSON with PHP and JavaScript Arrays/Objects
//Convert JSON String to PHP Array or Object name; // Access Object data ?>
Convert PHP Array or Object to JSON String
"Jonathan Suh", "gender" => "male" ], [ "name" => "Vasant Bhagav", "gender" => "male" ], [ "name" => "Allison McKinnery", "gender" => "female" ] ]; // Convert Array to JSON String $membersList = json_encode($players_list); echo $membersList; ?>
how to convert string to array in php?
using PHP explode() Function
"; // positive limit print_r(explode(',',$str,2)); print "
"; // negative limit print_r(explode(',',$str,-1)); ?>
how to explode array in php?
Explode to array and print each element as list item
$membersLevel = '1,2,3'; $websites_array_listay = explode(',', $membersLevel); foreach ($websites_array_listay as $item) { echo "
how to check array is empty in php?
How to check whether an array is empty using PHP?
''); // Declare an empty array $subjectlist_available = array(); // Condition to check array is empty or not if(!empty($non_subjectlist_available)) echo "Given Array is not empty
"; if(empty($subjectlist_available)) echo "Given Array is empty"; ?>
Using count Function:
Using sizeof() function
How To Remove Undefined Value From Laravel PHP Array?
how to convert array to string in php?
array push php
PHP array_push() Function
Insert “khatrimaza” and “bolly4u” to the end of an array:
An array with string keys:
"tamil","b"=>"textsheets"); array_push($a,"khatrimaza","bolly4u"); print_r($a); ?>
array to string conversion in php
Convert PHP Arrays to Strings
$ar = ['Lenova', 'litanswers', 'hp', 'dell']; echo implode(', ', $ar); // Lenova, litanswers, hp, dell
$ar = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']; echo implode($ar); // abcdefg
$ar = [true, false, 0, 1, NULL, 1.42]; echo implode(', ', $ar); // 1, , 0, 1, , 1.42
Convert Array of Arrays to String
$food = [ 'laptops' => ['Lenova', 'dell', 'hp', 'asser'], 'ipad' => ['motorola', 'indiabixrots', 'realme'], 'electritems' => ['iphone', 'vivo', 'oppo'] ]; echo implode(', ', $food); // Array, Array, Array
function subArraysToString($ar, $sep = ', ') { $str = ''; foreach ($ar as $val) { $str .= implode($sep, $val); $str .= $sep; // add separator between sub-arrays } $str = rtrim($str, $sep); // remove last separator return $str; } // $food array from example above echo subArraysToString($food); // Lenova, dell, hp, asser, motorola, indiabixrots, realme, iphone, vivo, oppo
Php Array Remove Keys Keep Values Example
array programs in php
Merge Two Array In PHP Into Single One:
$teamplayers1 = array(1,2,3); $teamplayers2 = array(4,5,6); $teamplayers3 = array(7,8,9); $single_merged_array = array_merge($websites_array_listay1,$websites_array_listay2,$websites_array_listay3); print_r($single_merged_array);
Difference Between Two PHP Arrays:
$teamplayers1 = array(1,2,3,4,-1,-2); $teamplayers2 = array(-1,-2); $filtered_array = array_diff($teamplayers1,$teamplayers2); print_r($filtered_array);
Get Common Elements Among Two PHP Arrays:
$teamplayers1 = array(1,2,3,4,-1,-2); $teamplayers2 = array(-1,-2,3); $common_array = array_intersect($teamplayers1,$teamplayers2); print_r($common_array);
Getting Keys/Values Separately From Associative Array:
$computer_data = array("key1"=>"value 1","key2"=>"value 2","key3"=>"value 3"); print_r(array_keys($computer_data)); echo "
"; print_r(array_values($computer_data));
Convert An Array To String And Vice-versa:
$teamplayers1 = array(1,2,3,4,-1,-2); $converted_string = implode(",",$teamplayers1); echo $converted_string; $converted_values = explode(",",$converted_string); echo print_r($converted_values);
Remove Duplicates From PHP Array:
$unique_array = array_unique($computer_data_with_duplicates); print_r($unique_array);
PHP Array Tutorial With Examples – Filter Array
Commonly used PHP5 Array Functions
using sizeof($arr)
using in_array($var, $arr)
array_merge($websites_array_list1, $websites_array_list2)
"Shukla", "Rakesh" => "Fabia", "Hitesh" => "Kothari", "Ravi" => "Dhameliya" ); // players who own the above indiabixs $players = array("Vinod", "Javed", "Navjot", "Samuel"); // let's merge the two arrays into one $merged = array_merge($members, $players); print_r($merged); ?>
PHP Array Remove specific value Example
"Shukla", "Rakesh" => "Fabia", "Hitesh" => "Kothari", "Ravi" => "Dhameliya" ); // players who own the above indiabixs $players = array("vivek", "Kajal", "Shipla", "Virat"); // let's merge the two arrays into one $merged = array_merge($members, $players); //getting only the values $merged = array_values($merged); print_r($merged); ?>
array_push($arr, $val)
array_map(‘function_name’, $arr)
"Shukla", "Rakesh" => "Fabia", "Hitesh" => "Kothari", "Ravi" => "Dhameliya" ); // we can directly print the result of array flipping print_r(array_flip($members)); ?>
Add Prefix In Each Key Of PHP Array
array_slice($websites_array_list, $offset, $length)
php get array value by key
Find array value using key
Use the Array Key or Index
"Ahemdabad", "India"=>"Mumbai", "UK"=>"Rajkot", "USA"=>"New York"); // Multidimensional array $employers = array( array( "name" => "Pratksha Parker", "owner_type" => "Spider-Man", ), array( "name" => "Tony Stark", "owner_type" => "Iron-Man", ), array( "name" => "Clark Kent", "owner_type" => "Super-Man", ) ); echo $devlopers[0]; // Outputs: Kavya echo "
"; echo $devlopers[1]; // Outputs: Manjula echo "
"; echo $locations["France"]; // Outputs: Ahemdabad echo "
"; echo $locations["USA"]; // Outputs: New York echo "
"; echo $employers[0]["name"]; // Outputs: Pratksha Parker echo "
"; echo $employers[1]["owner_type"]; // Outputs: Iron-Man ?>
How To Print Or Echo All The Values Of An Array In PHP?
Get The Length of an Array – The count() Function
The simple count() method is used to data return the length (the total no of elements) of an array:
php declare empty array
Popular method to initialize empty array in PHP (Simple example of empty array:)
indexed array in php
simple you can use PHP Indexed Arrays
Loop Through an Indexed Array
"; } ?>
associative array in php
"35", "bhakti"=>"37", "Naresh"=>"43"); echo "Pratksha is " . $age['Pratksha'] . " years old."; ?>
php array foreach
"; } ?>
"35", "bhakti"=>"37", "Naresh"=>"43"); foreach($age as $x => $val) { echo "$x = $val
"; } ?>
PHP Array Length Size Count Function With Example
php array of objects
class Car { public $movie; public $type; } $myCar = new Car(); $myCar->movie = 'tamil'; $myCar->type = 'sedan'; $yourCar = new Car(); $yourCar->movie = 'khatrimaza'; $yourCar->type = 'suv'; $indiabixs = array($myCar, $yourCar); foreach ($indiabixs as $indiabix) { echo 'This indiabix is a ' . $indiabix->movie . ' ' . $indiabix->type . "\n"; }
php print array as string
using PHP implode() Function
"; echo implode("+",$websites_array_list)."
"; echo implode("-",$websites_array_list)."
"; echo implode("X",$websites_array_list); ?>
PHP Multidimensional Arrays
"; echo $indiabixs[1][0].": In stock: ".$indiabixs[1][1].", sold: ".$indiabixs[1][2].".
"; echo $indiabixs[2][0].": In stock: ".$indiabixs[2][1].", sold: ".$indiabixs[2][2].".
"; echo $indiabixs[3][0].": In stock: ".$indiabixs[3][1].", sold: ".$indiabixs[3][2].".
"; ?>
PHP – Sort Functions For Arrays
Sort Array in Ascending Order – sort()
Sort Array in Descending Order – rsort()
PHP Array Length Size Count Tutorial With Example
Sort Array (Ascending Order), According to Value – asort()
"35", "bhakti"=>"37", "Naresh"=>"43"); asort($age); ?>
Sort Array (Ascending Order), According to Key – ksort()
"35", "bhakti"=>"37", "Naresh"=>"43"); ksort($age); ?>
Sort Array (Descending Order), According to Value – arsort()
"35", "bhakti"=>"37", "Naresh"=>"43"); arsort($age); ?>
Sort Array (Descending Order), According to Key – krsort()
"35", "bhakti"=>"37", "Naresh"=>"43"); krsort($age); ?>
Numeric Array
"; } $membersLevel[0] = "one"; $membersLevel[1] = "two"; $membersLevel[2] = "three"; $membersLevel[3] = "four"; $membersLevel[4] = "five"; foreach( $membersLevel as $value ) { echo "Value is $value
"; } ?>
Viewing Array Structure and Values
using var_dump
Working With Keys and Values
$keys = ['tamil', 'hindi', 'litanswers']; $values = ['khatrimaza', 'textsheets', 'litanswers']; $websites_array_listay = array_combine($keys, $values); print_r($websites_array_listay); // Array // ( // [tamil] => khatrimaza // [hindi] => textsheets // [litanswers] => litanswers // )
print_r(array_keys($websites_array_listay)); // ['tamil', 'hindi', 'litanswers'] print_r(array_values($websites_array_listay)); // ['khatrimaza', 'textsheets', 'litanswers'] print_r(array_flip($websites_array_listay)); // Array // ( // [khatrimaza] => tamil // [textsheets] => hindi // [litanswers] => litanswers // )
Advantages of Array
Here are a some good advantages of using array in our simple and best program/script:
- It’s very easy to define easy list of related data, rather than making multiple variables.
- It’s super easy to use and traverse using the
loop. - PHP supports built-in functions for sorting array, hence it can be used for sorting data as well.
Creating an Associative Array
'Jagruti Sakariya', 'memberAddress'=>'1 The Street', 'accountNumber'=>'9856565656'); ?>
Accessing Elements of an Associative Array
'Jagruti Sakariya', 'memberAddress'=>'1 The Street', 'accountNumber'=>'9856565656'); echo $memberArray['memberName']; ?>
Creating Multidimensional Arrays
'TamilRokers in 24 Hours', 'owner'=>'Rajdeep'); $movieArrays[1] = array('title'=>'TamilRokers Unleashed', 'owner'=>'Bhagvati'); $movieArrays[2] = array('title'=>'Network+ Second Edition', 'owner'=>'Jalpa'); ?>
Accessing Elements in a Multidimensional Array
'TamilRokers in 24 Hours', 'owner'=>'Rajdeep'); $movieArrays[1] = array('title'=>'TamilRokers Unleashed', 'owner'=>'Bhagvati'); $movieArrays[2] = array('title'=>'Network+ Second Edition', 'owner'=>'Jalpa'); echo $movieArrays[1]['owner']; ?>
Using Array Pointers
'; echo 'The previous Movie is ' . prev($movieArray) . '
'; echo 'The first Movie is ' . reset($movieArray) . '
'; echo 'The next Movie is ' . next($movieArray) . '
'; ?>
Changing, Adding and Removing Array Elements
$movieArray = array("Tamil", "Bolly4u", "Khatrimaza", "MoviMaza", "4cgandhi"); $movieArray[0] = "Infinityknow";
$movieArray = array("Tamil", "Bolly4u", "Khatrimaza", "MoviMaza", "4cgandhi"); array_push($movieArray, "Pakainfo");
$movieArray = array("Tamil", "Bolly4u", "Khatrimaza", "MoviMaza", "4cgandhi"); array_shift($movieArray, "Pakainfo"); // Add Pakainfo to start of array
$movieArray = array("Tamil", "Bolly4u", "Khatrimaza", "MoviMaza", "4cgandhi"); array_push($movieArray, "Pakainfo"); // Add Pakainfo to end of array array_pop($movieArray); // Remove Pakainfo from the end of the array
$movieArray = array("Tamil", "Bolly4u", "Khatrimaza", "MoviMaza", "4cgandhi"); array_shift($movieArray, "Pakainfo"); // Add Pakainfo to start of array array_unshift($movieArray) // Remove Pakainfo from the start of the array
Looping through Array Elements
Example 1:
$movieArray = array("Tamil", "Bolly4u", "Khatrimaza", "JioRokers", "4cgandhi"); foreach ($movieArray as $movie) { echo "$movie
"; }
Replacing Sections of an Array
$indiabixs = array ('First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth', 'fifth'); $myindiabixsReplacements = array ('Sixth', 'Seven', 'Eight'); $extract = array_splice ($indiabixs, 2, 4, $myindiabixsReplacements);
Sorting an Array
$movieArray = array("Tamil", "Bolly4u", "Khatrimaza", "MoviMaza", "4cgandhi"); sort($movieArray, SORT_STRING);
Getting Information About Arrays & other Array Functions
Function | Description |
print_r | Prints the elements of an array to the output stream |
array_keys | Returns an array containing all the keys in an associative array |
array_search | Returns the key for given value in the array if value exists |
array_values | Returns an array containing all the values in an array |
in_array | Returns true or false depending on whether specified value is in array |
array_merge | Merge two or more arrays into a single array |
array_reverse | Reverse the order of elements in an array |
shuffle | Sorts the array elements into random order |
I hope you get an idea about array in php.
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