PHP Stripe api Send Accept Payment Integration

PHP Stripe api Send Accept Payment Integration

Today, We want to share with you PHP Stripe api Send Accept Payment Integration.
In this post we will show you Stripe api with account and payments using php, hear for How to Accept Payments With Stripe we will give you demo and example for implement.
In this post, we will learn about php – Stripe- Send Payment to Customers with Stripe Payment Gateway Integration in PHP with an example.

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Strip Introduction

Stripe is best of an American technology and it’s best company product,
operating in over 25 countries and lots of used city,
that allows main used (payment) and both private individuals and businesses (live and test server)to accept payments(and check logs) over the Internet Network.

Stripe – The new standard in online payments Product

The Stripe is the best American technology and it’s best company product and software platform for running an internet Network business.
We handle to lots of billions of dollars to info more functionality every year for latest web software to forward-thinking with businesses around the all world.

The Stripe API(RESTful api) allows developers (api intigrate) to access the full functionality of Stripe product.

here show Some example API methods include….

create account, accepting account, managing customers account, and editing update ,

delete and managing customers account information.

(BEST Product)Stripe is a one type of service that allows users to accept payments online(include in charge),
specifically developers and fully RESTful api intigration.

With the Stripe application two live and test mode, users can keep track of payments and generate logs,
search all past payments, create all recurring charges and refund track, and keep track of customers managed.



Stripe Create an account


  "managed" => true,
  "country" => "IN",
  "email" => "[email protected]"

Stripe Retrieve account details



StripUpdate an account


$stripe_account = \Stripe\Account::retrieve("acct_103pakainfolo2Cng");
$stripe_account->support_phone = "555-867-5309";

Stripe Delete an account


$stripe_account = \Stripe\Account::retrieve("acct_103pakainfolo2Cng");

Stripe Reject an account


$stripe_account = \Stripe\Account::retrieve("acct_103pakainfolo2Cng");
  "reason" => "fraud"

Stripe List all connected accounts


$stripe_account=\Stripe\Account::all(array("limit" => 11));

Stripe Create a refund


$stripe_account= \Stripe\Refund::create(array(
  "charge" => "ch_194jvh2eZvKYlo2CchB13Ejv"

Stripe Retrieve a refund



Stripe Update a refund


$stripe_account = \Stripe\Refund::retrieve("re_194gsa2pakainfo2CWlXsDvO8");
$stripe_account->metadata["order_id"] = "989856";

Stripe List all refunds


\Stripe\Refund::all(array("limit" => 10));

List of Stripe Tokens

Stripe Create a card token


  "card" => array(
    "number" => "4242424242424242",
    "exp_month" => 10,
    "exp_year" => 2017,
    "cvc" => "314"

Stripe Create a bank account token


    "bank_account" => array(
    "country" => "IN",
    "currency" => "rs",
    "account_holder_name" => "jigar shah",
    "account_holder_type" => "inividual",
    "routing_number" => "158900057",
    "account_number" => "008953456789"

Stripe Create a PII token


    "pii" => array(
    "personal_id_number" => "005689400"

Stripe Retrieve a token



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