println javascript or js println – console.log(“Who’s Joe?”) in javascript print. println() prints a new blank line and then your message.
println javascript – JavaScript Program To Print Hello World
System.out.println("Welcome To Pakainfo");
Javascript Console Log
Print Console -
javascript system.out.println
public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Welcome to"); }
Using alert()
the first welcome program
alert("Welcome, pakainfo!");
Using document.write()
document.write('Welcome, pakainfo!');
function Member() {}
Here, you make a function “Member”, which does nothing, and return nothing.
There is not much to say : you can make empty functions with js, that’s all.
Now :
var member = Member()
“Member()” will eval “Member” with no argument, and return its return value : undefined. “=” will assign to the left-operand (member here) the value of the right-operand (undefined here).
So, after that, member will be equal to undefined.
var member = new Member()
which is the same as
var member = new Member
But it is totally unrelated to “var member = Member()”. So, it is quite confusing.
The operator new is rather complicated.
“var object = new Constructor(arguments)” will do many things :
1. It will make an empty object
2. It will set its property “__proto__” to Constructor.prototype, as well as its property “constructor” to Constructor.
3. It will call the function Constructor with the arguments “arguments”, as well as the “this” object set to the object constructed at #1.
4. When the function returns / ends, it will return “this” / the object created at #1. (It is the same, because “this” cannot be changed. You can not do “this = {}” as it will trigger an error.)
Don’t miss : How To Print To Console Using Javascript?
So, for instance, if you have :
var demo = function () { return (2);} var item = new demo();
item will be an empty object, and not 2. (Just go through every phase.)
And so, var member = new Member() will just set member to an empty object with the property set to “Member”, as well as nothing special whatsoever, as “Member” has no prototype, & nothing inside.
I hope you get an idea about println javascript.
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