python dynamic variable name also known as a Variable variable, Using globals() method, Using locals() method, Using exec() method and Using vars() method.
python dynamic variable name
Python program to create dynamically named variables from user input. The creation of a dynamic variable name in Python can be achieved with the help of iteration. This approach will also use the globals() function in addition to the for loop.
Method 1: Using globals() method.
Set_DDVar_Define = "pakainfo" globals()[Set_DDVar_Define] = 2022 print(pakainfo)
Method 2: Using locals() method.
Set_DDVar_Define = "pakainfo" locals()[Set_DDVar_Define] = 2022 print(pakainfo)
Method 3: Using exec() method.
Set_DDVar_Define = "pakainfo" exec("%s = %d" % (Set_DDVar_Define, 2022)) print(pakainfo)
Method 4: Using vars() method
Set_DDVar_Define = "pakainfo" vars()[Set_DDVar_Define] = 2022 print(pakainfo)
how to create dynamic variable names in python?
for i in range(0, 9): globals()[f"my_variable{i}"] = f"Welcome from variable number {i}!" print(my_variable3) # Welcome from variable number 3!
how to create dynamic variable names in python?
for x in range(0, 9): globals()['string%s' % x] = 'Welcome' # string0 = 'Welcome', string1 = 'Welcome' ... string8 = 'Welcome'
name = "a" value = True player_message = {name: value} print(player_message["a"])
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I hope you get an idea about python dynamic variable name.
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