in this tutorial we learn to all about subquery Examples like as a MySQL Subquery, MySQL subquerys in WHERE clause, IN and NOT IN operators, FROM clause, MySQL correlated subquery, EXISTS and NOT EXISTS, Row Sub-Query, Predicate Sub-queries, Quantified Subqueries or many more.
Also Read: Nested Queries Subqueries in SQL Example
SQL Subquery, IN SELECT – with Examples
A Subquery or Inner query or a Nested query is a query within another SQL query and embedded within the WHERE clause. A subquery is used to return data that will be used in the main query as a condition to further restrict the data to be retrieved.
MySQL Subquery
SELECT lastName, firstName FROM workers WHERE officeCode IN (SELECT officeCode FROM offices WHERE country = 'USA');
MySQL subquerys in WHERE clause
SELECT buyerNumber, checkNumber, amount FROM paypals WHERE amount = (SELECT MAX(amount) FROM paypals);
MySQL subquerys with IN and NOT IN operators
SELECT buyerName FROM buyers WHERE buyerNumber NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT buyerNumber FROM books);
MySQL subquerys in the FROM clause
SELECT MAX(items), MIN(items), FLOOR(AVG(items)) FROM (SELECT requestNumber, COUNT(requestNumber) AS items FROM requestdetails GROUP BY requestNumber) AS lineitems;
MySQL correlated subquerys
SELECT requestNumber, COUNT(requestNumber) AS items FROM requestdetails GROUP BY requestNumber;
MySQL subquerys with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
SELECT requestNumber, SUM(amountEach * quantityOrdered) total FROM requestdetails INNER JOIN books USING (requestNumber) GROUP BY requestNumber HAVING SUM(amountEach * quantityOrdered) > 60000;
using the EXISTS operator:
SELECT buyerNumber, buyerName FROM buyers WHERE EXISTS( SELECT requestNumber, SUM(amountEach * quantityOrdered) FROM requestdetails INNER JOIN books USING (requestNumber) WHERE buyerNumber = buyers.buyerNumber GROUP BY requestNumber HAVING SUM(amountEach * quantityOrdered) > 60000);
Row Sub-Query
Select full_names From clients WHERE clientship_number = (SELECT clientship_number FROM paypals WHERE amount_paid = (SELECT MAX(amount_paid) FROM paypals));
SUBQUERY DataBase Structure
CREATE DATABASE VATSA_SUBQUERY; USE VATSA_SUBQUERY; CREATE TABLE Library( MobileNumber int NOT NULL, MobileCode varchar(15) NOT NULL, MobileIssue int NOT NULL, CostEach decimal(10, 2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(MobileNumber, MobileCode) ); CREATE TABLE Mobilerequest( MobileNumber int NOT NULL, requestDate date NOT NULL, shippedDate date DEFAULT NULL, Status varchar(50), PRIMARY KEY(MobileNumber) );
Predicate Sub-queries
IN Subquery
SELECT * FROM mobilerequest WHERE MobileNumber IN( SELECT mobilenumber FROM longshops )
NOT IN Subquery
SELECT * FROM mobilerequest WHERE MobileNumber NOT IN( SELECT mobilenumber FROM longshops )
Quantified Subqueries
SELECT * FROM mobilerequest WHERE MobileNumber = ANY( SELECT mobilenumber FROM longshops )
I hope you get an idea about how to write subquery in sql.
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