Sudo Unable To Resolve Host Error in Linux – Fix sudo

Today, We want to share with you Sudo Unable To Resolve Host Error in Linux – Fix sudo.In this post we will show you sudo: unable to resolve host localhost, hear for sudo unable to resolve host hostname we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about [Solved] sudo: unable to resolve host Error in Ubuntu Linux with an example.

Sudo Unable To Resolve Host Error in Linux – Fix sudo

There are the Following The simple About sudo: unable to resolve host your_host_name: Connection timed out Full Information With Example and source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop Fixing ‘sudo: unable to resolve host’ Error in Linux, so the unable to resolve host resource temporarily unavailable is used for this example is following below.

Error when lampp start or restart

run This CMD To Generated Error: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

jigarshah@server:~$ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
sudo: unable to resolve host jigarshah48: Connection timed out
Starting XAMPP for Linux 7.2.2-0...
XAMPP: Starting
XAMPP:  Another web server is already running.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...already running.
XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...

run This CMD To Generated Error: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart

jigarshah@server:~$ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart
sudo: unable to resolve host jigarshah48: Connection timed out
Restarting XAMPP for Linux 7.2.2-0...
XAMPP: Stopping Apache...not running.
XAMPP: Stopping MySQL...ok.
XAMPP: Stopping ProFTPD...not running.
XAMPP: Starting
XAMPP:  Another web server is already running.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...ok.
XAMPP: Starting
Contents of "/opt/lampp/var/proftpd/start.err":
jigarshah48 proftpd[10455]: warning: unable to determine IP address of 'jigarshah48'
jigarshah48 proftpd[10455]: error: no valid servers configured
jigarshah48 proftpd[10455]: Fatal: error processing configuration file '/opt/lampp/etc/proftpd.conf'

Best Solutions: sudo: unable to resolve host [hostname]

Errors: “sudo: unable to resolve host jigarshah48: Connection timed out”.

There are Two things to check simple (assuming your system is called my-system, we can simple change this as appropriate) examples:

Step 1: That the /etc/hostname file data contains just the name of the system.
Step 2: and then /etc/hosts has an entry for simple localhost. It should have something like: below Example    localhost.localdomain localhost    your-system-name

Example 2:

Edit => /etc/hosts   localhost   system-name
Web Programming Tutorials Example with Demo

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I hope you get an idea about sudo unable to resolve host name or service not known.
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